Richa Gupta
Richa Gupta
Assistant Professor, PGIMER, Chandigarh india
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Necessity of oral health intervention in schizophrenic patients-A review
S Gupta, PK Pratibha, R Gupta
Nepal journal of epidemiology 6 (4), 605, 2016
Morphometry of typical cervical vertebrae on dry bones and CT scan and its implications in transpedicular screw placement surgery
R Gupta, K Kapoor, A Sharma, S Kochhar, R Garg
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 35, 181-189, 2013
Anatomical survey of terminal branching patterns of superficial branch of radial nerve in fetuses
R Gupta, A Aggarwal, D Sahni, K Harjeet, M Barnwal
Surgical and radiologic anatomy 34, 415-420, 2012
Abdominal aorta
D Sahni, A Aggarwal, T Gupta, H Kaur, R Gupta, K Chawla, N Saini, ...
Bergman's comprehensive encyclopedia of human anatomic variation, 619-681, 2016
Guided bone regeneration with pericardium membranes
S Gupta, R Gupta
IOSR J. Dent. Med. Sci 13 (11), 61-5, 2014
Cytokeratin (CK5, CK8, CK14) expression and presence of progenitor stem cells in human fetal thymuses
R Gupta, T Gupta, H Kaur, S Sehgal, A Aggarwal, K Kapoor, A Sharma, ...
Clinical Anatomy 29 (6), 711-717, 2016
Harvesting split thickness costal cartilage graft
S Gaba, R Gupta, B Mishra, D Sahni
Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery 50 (01), 079-081, 2017
Cadaveric anatomy of the lumbar triangular safe zone of Kambin’s in North West Indian population
C Kumari, T Gupta, R Gupta, V Kumar, D Sahni, A Aggarwal
Anatomy & Cell Biology 54 (1), 35, 2021
Expanding the horizons of melatonin use: An immunohistochemical neuroanatomic distribution of MT1 and MT2 receptors in human brain and retina
T Gupta, D Sahni, R Gupta, SK Gupta
Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 66 (1), 58-66, 2017
Histological and immunohistochemical study of estrogen and progesterone receptors in normal human breast tissue in adult age groups vulnerable to malignancy
R Goyal, T Gupta, R Gupta, A Aggarwal, D Sahni, G Singh
Clinical Anatomy 29 (6), 729-737, 2016
Morphological variations of sciatic nerve and piriformis muscle in gluteal region during fetal period
MB Sinha, A Aggarwal, D Sahni, K Harjeet, R Gupta, HP Sinha
Eur J Anat 18 (4), 261-266, 2014
Placental tissues-from reproductive to regenerative biology
S Gupta, R Gupta
Int. J. Sci. Res. IJSR 3, 607-612, 2014
Superficial upper limb vasculature and its surgical implications
R Gupta, A Aggarwal, T Gupta, H Kaur, S Gaba, D Sahni
Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery 49 (02), 258-260, 2016
Landmarks for keyhole neurosurgical procedures through pterion
R Gupta, MB Sinha, A Aggarwal, T Gupta, H Kaur, D Sahni, R Garg
International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research 2 (4), 168-175, 2014
Morpho‐functional characterization of the submucosal glands at the nasopharyngeal end of the auditory tube in humans
C Kumari, R Gupta, M Sharma, J Jacob, RK Narayan, D Sahni, A Kumar
Journal of Anatomy 242 (5), 771-780, 2023
RajeevGarg. Partial edentulism and temporomandibular joint disorders
S Gupta, R Gupta
J Dent Med Sci 13, 60-63, 2014
Cadaver dissection for oculoplastic procedures: A beginner’s guide
M Singh, M Sharma, AG Nair, A Mehta, M Kaur, R Gupta, T Gupta, ...
Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 70 (9), 3239-3244, 2022
Challenges faced by dental professionals during Covid-19-a cross sectional survey
S Gupta, TS Hrishi, S Gupta, S Kumar, H Javadi, R Gupta
Journal of Advances in Internal Medicine 9 (2), 60-64, 2020
Mucosal substitutes for periodontal soft tissue regeneration
S Gupta, PK Pratibha, R Gupta
Dentistry 5 (327), 2161-1122.1000, 2015
Bilateral bifid ureter with unilateral renal vasculature variations
K Chawla, R Gupta, HJ Singh, T Gupta, A Aggarwal, D Sahni
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 36, 393-396, 2014
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20