John Giles
John Giles
Lead Economist, Development Research Group, The World Bank
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Leaving China's farms: survey results of new paths and remaining hurdles to rural migration
S Rozelle, L Guo, M Shen, A Hughart, J Giles
The China Quarterly 158, 367-393, 1999
The Evolution of Income Inequality in Rural China
D Benjamin, L Brand, J Giles
Economic Development and Cultural Change 53 (4), 769-824, 2005
The path to healthy ageing in China: a Peking University–Lancet Commission
X Chen, J Giles, Y Yao, W Yip, Q Meng, L Berkman, H Chen, X Chen, ...
The Lancet 400 (10367), 1967-2006, 2022
China health and retirement longitudinal study–2011–2012 national baseline users’ guide
Y Zhao, J Strauss, G Yang, J Giles, P Hu, Y Hu, X Lei, A Park, JP Smith, ...
Beijing: National School of Development, Peking University 2, 1-56, 2013
Migrant Opportunity and the Educational Attainment of Youth in Rural China
A de Brauw, J Giles
Journal of Human Resources 52 (1), 274-313, 2017
What is China's true unemployment rate?
J Giles, P Albert, J Zhang
China Economic Review 16 (2), 149-170, 2005
The elderly and old age support in rural China
F Cai, J Giles, P O'Keefe, D Wang
World Bank Publications, 2012
How has economic restructuring affected China's urban workers?
J Giles, A Park, F Cai
The China Quarterly 185, 61-95, 2006
Elderly parent health and the migration decisions of adult children: Evidence from rural China
J Giles, R Mu
Demography 44 (2), 265-288, 2007
Precautionary behavior, migrant networks, and household consumption decisions: An empirical analysis using household panel data from rural China
J Giles, K Yoo
The Review of Economics and Statistics 89 (3), 534-551, 2007
China’s 2008 Labor Contract Law: Implementation and implications for China’s workers
M Gallagher, J Giles, A Park, M Wang
Human Relations 68 (2), 197-235, 2015
Income inequality during China’s economic transition
D Benjamin, L Brandt, J Giles, S Wang
China’s great economic transformation, 729-75, 2008
How well do children insure parents against low retirement income? An analysis using survey data from urban China
F Cai, J Giles, X Meng
Journal of public Economics 90 (12), 2229-2255, 2006
Chronic and transient poverty: Measurement and estimation, with evidence from China
JY Duclos, A Araar, J Giles
Journal of development Economics 91 (2), 266-277, 2010
Migrant Labor Markets and the Welfare of Rural Households in the Developing World: Evidence from China
A de Brauw, J Giles
World Bank Economic Review, 2018
Did higher inequality impede growth in rural China?
D Benjamin, L Brandt, J Giles
Economic Journal 121 (557), 1281-1309, 2011
Is life more risky in the open? Household risk-coping and the opening of China's labor markets
J Giles
Journal of Development Economics 81 (1), 25-60, 2006
Can China’s Rural Elderly Count on Support from Adult Children? Implications of Rural-to-Urban Migration
J Giles, D Wang, C Zhao
Journal of Population Ageing 3 (3), 183-204, 2010
The great proletarian cultural revolution, disruptions to education, and the returns to schooling in urban China
J Giles, A Park, M Wang
Economic Development and Cultural Change 68 (1), 131-164, 2019
Village Political Economy, Land Tenure Insecurity and Rural to Urban Migration: Evidence from China
J Giles, R Mu
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 100 (2), 521-544, 2018
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Articles 1–20