Ralph Hruban
Ralph Hruban
Correu electrònic verificat a - Pàgina d'inici
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PD-1 blockade in tumors with mismatch-repair deficiency
DT Le, JN Uram, H Wang, BR Bartlett, H Kemberling, AD Eyring, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 372 (26), 2509-2520, 2015
WHO classification of tumours of the digestive system.
FT Bosman, F Carneiro, RH Hruban, ND Theise
Detection of circulating tumor DNA in early-and late-stage human malignancies
C Bettegowda, M Sausen, RJ Leary, I Kinde, Y Wang, N Agrawal, ...
Science translational medicine 6 (224), 224ra24-224ra24, 2014
Core signaling pathways in human pancreatic cancers revealed by global genomic analyses
S Jones, X Zhang, DW Parsons, JCH Lin, RJ Leary, P Angenendt, ...
science 321 (5897), 1801-1806, 2008
WHO classification of tumours of female reproductive organs
R Young
Monodermal Teratomas and Somatic-Type Tumours Arising from a Dermoid Cyst …, 2014
Inhibition of Hedgehog signaling enhances delivery of chemotherapy in a mouse model of pancreatic cancer
KP Olive, MA Jacobetz, CJ Davidson, A Gopinathan, D McIntyre, ...
Science 324 (5933), 1457-1461, 2009
Genomic analyses identify molecular subtypes of pancreatic cancer
P Bailey, DK Chang, K Nones, AL Johns, AM Patch, MC Gingras, ...
Nature 531 (7592), 47-52, 2016
Pancreatic cancer
A Vincent, J Herman, R Schulick, RH Hruban, M Goggins
The lancet 378 (9791), 607-620, 2011
DPC4, A Candidate Tumor Suppressor Gene at Human Chromosome 18q21.1
SA Hahn, M Schutte, ATM Shamsul Hoque, CA Moskaluk, LT Da Costa, ...
science 271 (5247), 350-353, 1996
Distant metastasis occurs late during the genetic evolution of pancreatic cancer
S Yachida, S Jones, I Bozic, T Antal, R Leary, B Fu, M Kamiyama, ...
Nature 467 (7319), 1114-1117, 2010
Oncogene-induced Nrf2 transcription promotes ROS detoxification and tumorigenesis
GM DeNicola, FA Karreth, TJ Humpton, A Gopinathan, C Wei, K Frese, ...
Nature 475 (7354), 106-109, 2011
Preinvasive and invasive ductal pancreatic cancer and its early detection in the mouse
SR Hingorani, EF Petricoin, A Maitra, V Rajapakse, C King, MA Jacobetz, ...
Cancer cell 4 (6), 437-450, 2003
Trp53R172H and KrasG12D cooperate to promote chromosomal instability and widely metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in mice
SR Hingorani, L Wang, AS Multani, C Combs, TB Deramaudt, RH Hruban, ...
Cancer cell 7 (5), 469-483, 2005
Whole genomes redefine the mutational landscape of pancreatic cancer
N Waddell, M Pajic, AM Patch, DK Chang, KS Kassahn, P Bailey, ...
Nature 518 (7540), 495-501, 2015
Detection and localization of surgically resectable cancers with a multi-analyte blood test
JD Cohen, L Li, Y Wang, C Thoburn, B Afsari, L Danilova, C Douville, ...
Science 359 (6378), 926-930, 2018
A draft map of the human proteome
MS Kim, SM Pinto, D Getnet, RS Nirujogi, SS Manda, R Chaerkady, ...
Nature 509 (7502), 575-581, 2014
Six hundred fifty consecutive pancreaticoduodenectomies in the 1990s: pathology, complications, and outcomes
CJ Yeo, JL Cameron, TA Sohn, KD Lillemoe, HA Pitt, MA Talamini, ...
Annals of surgery 226 (3), 248-260, 1997
Pancreatic cancer genomes reveal aberrations in axon guidance pathway genes
AV Biankin, N Waddell, KS Kassahn, MC Gingras, LB Muthuswamy, ...
Nature 491 (7424), 399-405, 2012
Underlying causes and long-term survival in patients with initially unexplained cardiomyopathy
GM Felker, RE Thompson, JM Hare, RH Hruban, DE Clemetson, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 342 (15), 1077-1084, 2000
Organoid models of human and mouse ductal pancreatic cancer
SF Boj, CI Hwang, LA Baker, IIC Chio, DD Engle, V Corbo, M Jager, ...
Cell 160 (1), 324-338, 2015
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20