Michael Zaks
Michael Zaks
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Attractor-repeller collision and eyelet intermittency at the transition to phase synchronization
A Pikovsky, G Osipov, M Rosenblum, M Zaks, J Kurths
Physical review letters 79 (1), 47, 1997
Alternating locking ratios in imperfect phase synchronization
MA Zaks, EH Park, MG Rosenblum, J Kurths
Physical review letters 82 (21), 4228, 1999
Coherence resonance near a Hopf bifurcation
OV Ushakov, HJ Wünsche, F Henneberger, IA Khovanov, ...
Physical review letters 95 (12), 123903, 2005
Phase synchronization of chaotic oscillations in terms of periodic orbits
A Pikovsky, M Zaks, M Rosenblum, G Osipov, J Kurths
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 7 (4), 680-687, 1997
Phase synchronization in the forced Lorenz system
EH Park, MA Zaks, J Kurths
Physical Review E 60 (6), 6627, 1999
Convective Cahn-Hilliard models: From coarsening to roughening
AA Golovin, AA Nepomnyashchy, SH Davis, MA Zaks
Physical review letters 86 (8), 1550, 2001
Noise induced complexity: From subthreshold oscillations to spiking in coupled excitable systems
MA Zaks, X Sailer, L Schimansky-Geier, AB Neiman
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 15 (2), 2005
Singular continuous spectra in dissipative dynamics
AS Pikovsky, MA Zaks, U Feudel, J Kurths
Physical Review E 52 (1), 285, 1995
Two mechanisms of the transition to chaos in finite-dimensional models of convection
DV Lyubimov, MA Zaks
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 9 (1-2), 52-64, 1983
Noise-controlled oscillations and their bifurcations in coupled phase oscillators
MA Zaks, AB Neiman, S Feistel, L Schimansky-Geier
Physical Review E 68 (6), 066206, 2003
Coarsening in a bistable system with long-delayed feedback
G Giacomelli, F Marino, MA Zaks, S Yanchuk
Europhysics Letters 99 (5), 58005, 2012
Role of unstable periodic orbits in phase and lag synchronization between coupled chaotic oscillators
D Pazó, MA Zaks, J Kurths
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 13 (1), 309-318, 2003
Sequential dynamics of complex networks in mind: Consciousness and creativity
MI Rabinovich, MA Zaks, P Varona
Physics Reports 883, 1-32, 2020
Universal scenarios of transitions to chaos via homoclinic bifurcations
DV Lyubimov, AS Pikovsky, MA Zaks
CRC Press, 1989
Periodic stationary patterns governed by a convective Cahn--Hilliard equation
MA Zaks, A Podolny, AA Nepomnyashchy, AA Golovin
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 66 (2), 700-720, 2005
Correlation properties of a quasiperiodically forced two-level system
U Feudel, AS Pikovsky, MA Zaks
Physical Review E 51 (3), 1762, 1995
Dynamics of domain walls governed by the convective Cahn–Hilliard equation
A Podolny, MA Zaks, BY Rubinstein, AA Golovin, AA Nepomnyashchy
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 201 (3-4), 291-305, 2005
Steady viscous flow with fractal power spectrum
MA Zaks, AS Pikovsky, J Kurths
Physical review letters 77 (21), 4338, 1996
Excitable elements controlled by noise and network structure
B Sonnenschein, MA Zaks, AB Neiman, L Schimansky-Geier
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 222 (10), 2517-2529, 2013
Non-Markovian approach to globally coupled excitable systems
T Prager, M Falcke, L Schimansky-Geier, MA Zaks
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (1 …, 2007
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Articles 1–20