Francisco Barceló
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Construct validity of the Trail Making Test: role of task-switching, working memory, inhibition/interference control, and visuomotor abilities
I Sánchez-Cubillo, JA Periáñez, D Adrover-Roig, JM Rodríguez-Sánchez, ...
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 15 (3), 438-450, 2009
The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and the cognitive assessment of prefrontal executive functions: a critical update
E Nyhus, F Barceló
Brain and cognition 71 (3), 437-451, 2009
Prefrontal modulation of visual processing in humans
F Barcelo, S Suwazono, RT Knight
Nature neuroscience 3 (4), 399-403, 2000
Both random and perseverative errors underlie WCST deficits in prefrontal patients
F Barceló, RT Knight
Neuropsychologia 40 (3), 349-356, 2002
Trail Making Test in traumatic brain injury, schizophrenia, and normal ageing: Sample comparisons and normative data
JA Periáñez, M Ríos-Lago, JM Rodríguez-Sánchez, D Adrover-Roig, ...
Archives of clinical neuropsychology 22 (4), 433-447, 2007
Task switching and novelty processing activate a common neural network for cognitive control
F Barcelo, C Escera, MJ Corral, JA Periáñez
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 18 (10), 1734-1748, 2006
Think differently: A brain orienting response to task novelty
F Barceló, JA Periáñez, RT Knight
NeuroReport 13 (15), 1887-1892, 2002
Attentional set shifting modulates the target P3b response in the Wisconsin card sorting test
F Barceló, JM Muñoz-Céspedes, MA Pozo, FJ Rubia
Neuropsychologia 38 (10), 1342-1355, 2000
Where is the bilingual advantage in task-switching?
M Hernández, CD Martin, F Barceló, A Costa
Journal of Memory and Language 69 (3), 257-276, 2013
Why are auditory novels distracting? Contrasting the roles of novelty, violation of expectation and stimulus change
FBR Parmentier, JV Elsley, P Andrés, F Barceló
Cognition 119 (3), 374-380, 2011
Dynamic neuroplasticity after human prefrontal cortex damage
B Voytek, M Davis, E Yago, F Barcelo, EK Vogel, RT Knight
Neuron 68 (3), 401-408, 2010
The Madrid card sorting test (MCST): a task switching paradigm to study executive attention with event-related potentials
F Barcelo
Brain Research Protocols 11 (1), 27-37, 2003
The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and the assessment of frontal function: A validation study with event-related potentials
F Barceló, M Sanz, V Molina, FJ Rubia
Neuropsychologia 35 (4), 399-408, 1997
Electrophysiological evidence of two different types of error in the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
F Barceló
Neuroreport 10 (6), 1299-1303, 1999
Does the Wisconsin card sorting test measure prefontral function?
F Barceló
The Spanish journal of psychology 4 (1), 79-100, 2001
A latent variable approach to executive control in healthy ageing
D Adrover-Roig, A Sesé, F Barceló, A Palmer
Brain and cognition 78 (3), 284-299, 2012
Decreased brain coordinated activity in autism spectrum disorders during executive tasks: reduced long-range synchronization in the fronto-parietal networks
JLP Velazquez, F Barcelo, Y Hung, Y Leshchenko, V Nenadovic, J Belkas, ...
International Journal of Psychophysiology 73 (3), 341-349, 2009
Spatiotemporal brain dynamics during preparatory set shifting: MEG evidence
JA Periánez, F Maestú, F Barceló, A Fernández, C Amo, TO Alonso
Neuroimage 21 (2), 687-695, 2004
Individual differences in aging and cognitive control modulate the neural indexes of context updating and maintenance during task switching
D Adrover-Roig, F Barcelo
cortex 46 (4), 434-450, 2010
Bilinguals use language-control brain areas more than monolinguals to perform non-linguistic switching tasks
A Rodríguez-Pujadas, A Sanjuán, N Ventura-Campos, P Román, C Martin, ...
PLoS One 8 (9), e73028, 2013
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20