Heather Harris Wright
Heather Harris Wright
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Lexical diversity for adults with and without aphasia across discourse elicitation tasks
G Fergadiotis, HH Wright
Aphasiology 25 (11), 1414-1430, 2011
Measuring lexical diversity in narrative discourse of people with aphasia
G Fergadiotis, HH Wright, TM West
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 22 (2), S397-S408, 2013
Using semantic feature analysis to improve contextual discourse in adults with aphasia
JD Rider, HH Wright, RC Marshall, JL Page
Age (in years) 73 (55), 62, 2008
Psychometric evaluation of lexical diversity indices: Assessing length effects
G Fergadiotis, HH Wright, SB Green
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 58 (3), 840-852, 2015
Working memory in aphasia
HH Wright, RJ Shisler
American journal of speech-language pathology 14 (2), 107-118, 2005
CIU and main event analyses of the structured discourse of older and younger adults
G Capilouto, HH Wright, SA Wagovich
Journal of communication disorders 38 (6), 431-444, 2005
Global coherence in younger and older adults: Influence of cognitive processes and discourse type
HH Wright, AD Koutsoftas, GJ Capilouto, G Fergadiotis
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 21 (2), 174-196, 2014
Measures of lexical diversity in aphasia
H Harris Wright, S Silverman, M Newhoff
Aphasiology 17 (5), 443-452, 2003
Considering a multi-level approach to understanding maintenance of global coherence in adults with aphasia
HH Wright, GJ Capilouto
The Science of Aphasia Rehabilitation, 42-58, 2016
Automated analysis of the Cinderella story
B MacWhinney, D Fromm, A Holland, M Forbes, H Wright
Aphasiology 24 (6-8), 856-868, 2010
Processing distinct linguistic information types in working memory in aphasia
HH Wright, RA Downey, M Gravier, T Love, LP Shapiro
Aphasiology 21 (6-8), 802-813, 2007
Dosage, intensity, and frequency of language therapy for aphasia: A systematic review–based, individual participant data network meta-analysis
REhabilitation and Recovery of peopLE with Aphasia after StrokE (RELEASE ...
Stroke 53 (3), 956-967, 2022
Story processing ability in cognitively healthy younger and older adults
HH Wright, GJ Capilouto, C Srinivasan, G Fergadiotis
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2011
Verbal and non-verbal working memory in aphasia: What three n-back tasks reveal
SC Christensen, HH Wright
Aphasiology 24 (6-8), 752-762, 2010
Productive vocabulary across discourse types
G Fergadiotis, HH Wright, GJ Capilouto
Aphasiology 25 (10), 1261-1278, 2011
Conceptualising and measuring working memory and its relationship to aphasia
HH Wright, G Fergadiotis
Aphasiology 26 (3-4), 258-278, 2012
Manipulating task instructions to change narrative discourse performance
HH Wright, GJ Capilouto
Aphasiology 23 (10), 1295-1308, 2009
Global coherence during discourse production in adults: A review of the literature
C Ellis, A Henderson, HH Wright, Y Rogalski
International journal of language & communication disorders 51 (4), 359-367, 2016
Evaluating measures of global coherence ability in stories in adults
HH Wright, GJ Capilouto, A Koutsoftas
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 48 (3), 249-256, 2013
Development and reliability of a quantitative measure of adults' narratives
HH Wright, G Capilouto, S Wagovich, T Cranfill, J Davis
Aphasiology 19 (3-5), 263-273, 2005
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