David Funder
David Funder
Professor of Psychology, University of California, Riverside
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Evaluating effect size in psychological research: Sense and nonsense
DC Funder, DJ Ozer
Advances in methods and practices in psychological science 2 (2), 156-168, 2019
Psychology as the science of self-reports and finger movements: Whatever happened to actual behavior?
RF Baumeister, KD Vohs, DC Funder
Perspectives on psychological science 2 (4), 396-403, 2007
On the accuracy of personality judgment: a realistic approach.
DC Funder
Psychological review 102 (4), 652, 1995
Profiting from controversy: Lessons from the person-situation debate.
DT Kenrick, DC Funder
American psychologist 43 (1), 23, 1988
Errors and mistakes: Evaluating the accuracy of social judgment.
DC Funder
Psychological bulletin 101 (1), 75, 1987
Overly positive self-evaluations and personality: negative implications for mental health.
CR Colvin, J Block, DC Funder
Journal of personality and social psychology 68 (6), 1152, 1995
Recommendations for increasing replicability in psychology
JB Asendorpf, M Conner, F De Fruyt, J De Houwer, JJA Denissen, ...
European journal of personality 27 (2), 108-119, 2013
Predicting more of the people more of the time: Assessing the personality of situations.
DJ Bem, DC Funder
Psychological Review 85 (6), 485, 1978
The personality puzzle.
DC Funder
WW Norton & Co, 1997
Friends and strangers: acquaintanceship, agreement, and the accuracy of personality judgment.
DC Funder, CR Colvin
Journal of personality and social psychology 55 (1), 149, 1988
The Situational Eight DIAMONDS: a taxonomy of major dimensions of situation characteristics.
JF Rauthmann, D Gallardo-Pujol, EM Guillaume, E Todd, CS Nave, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 107 (4), 677, 2014
Personality and life satisfaction: A facet-level analysis
U Schimmack, S Oishi, RM Furr, DC Funder
Personality and social psychology bulletin 30 (8), 1062-1075, 2004
Impulsivity and the self-defeating behavior of narcissists
S Vazire, DC Funder
Personality and social psychology review 10 (2), 154-165, 2006
Explorations in behavioral consistency: properties of persons, situations, and behaviors.
DC Funder, CR Colvin
Journal of personality and social psychology 60 (5), 773, 1991
Differences between traits: properties associated with interjudge agreement.
DC Funder, KM Dobroth
Journal of personality and social psychology 52 (2), 409, 1987
Towards a resolution of the personality triad: Persons, situations, and behaviors
DC Funder
Journal of Research in Personality 40 (1), 21-34, 2006
Personality judgment: A realistic approach to person perception
DC Funder
Elsevier, 1999
Global traits: A neo-Allportian approach to personality
DC Funder
Psychological Science 2 (1), 31-39, 1991
Evaluating effect size in psychological research: Sense and nonsense. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2 (2), 156–168
DC Funder, DJ Ozer
Ego-control and ego-resiliency: Generalization of self-report scales based on personality descriptions from acquaintances, clinicians, and the self
TD Letzring, J Block, DC Funder
Journal of research in personality 39 (4), 395-422, 2005
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20