Rasmus Ejrnæs
Rasmus Ejrnæs
Professor in biodiversity, Aarhus University
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Algorithm for post-clustering curation of DNA amplicon data yields reliable biodiversity estimates
TG Frøslev, R Kjøller, HH Bruun, R Ejrnæs, AK Brunbjerg, C Pietroni, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1188, 2017
Science for a wilder Anthropocene: Synthesis and future directions for trophic rewilding research
JC Svenning, PBM Pedersen, CJ Donlan, R Ejrnæs, S Faurby, M Galetti, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (4), 898-906, 2016
European Vegetation Archive (EVA): an integrated database of European vegetation plots
M Chytrý, SM Hennekens, B Jiménez‐Alfaro, I Knollová, J Dengler, ...
Applied vegetation science 19 (1), 173-180, 2016
Local temperatures inferred from plant communities suggest strong spatial buffering of climate warming across N orthern E urope
J Lenoir, BJ Graae, PA Aarrestad, IG Alsos, WS Armbruster, G Austrheim, ...
Global Change Biology 19 (5), 1470-1481, 2013
sPlot–A new tool for global vegetation analyses
H Bruelheide, J Dengler, B Jiménez‐Alfaro, O Purschke, SM Hennekens, ...
Journal of vegetation science 30 (2), 161-186, 2019
High herbivore density associated with vegetation diversity in interglacial ecosystems
CJ Sandom, R Ejrnæs, MDD Hansen, JC Svenning
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (11), 4162-4167, 2014
Stay or go–how topographic complexity influences alpine plant population and community responses to climate change
BJ Graae, V Vandvik, WS Armbruster, WL Eiserhardt, JC Svenning, ...
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 30, 41-50, 2018
Putting plant resistance traits on the map: a test of the idea that plants are better defended at lower latitudes
AT Moles, IR Wallis, WJ Foley, DI Warton, JC Stegen, AJ Bisigato, ...
New Phytologist 191 (3), 777-788, 2011
Topographically controlled soil moisture drives plant diversity patterns within grasslands
JE Moeslund, L Arge, PK Bøcher, T Dalgaard, R Ejrnæs, MV Odgaard, ...
Biodiversity and conservation 22, 2151-2166, 2013
Correlations between physical and chemical defences in plants: tradeoffs, syndromes, or just many different ways to skin a herbivorous cat?
AT Moles, B Peco, IR Wallis, WJ Foley, AGB Poore, EW Seabloom, ...
New Phytologist 198 (1), 252-263, 2013
Effects of ecological continuity on species richness and composition in forests and woodlands: a review
B Nordén, A Dahlberg, TE Brandrud, Ö Fritz, R Ejrnaes, O Ovaskainen
Ecoscience 21 (1), 34-45, 2014
Trait correlation network analysis identifies biomass allocation traits and stem specific length as hub traits in herbaceous perennial plants
M Kleyer, J Trinogga, MA Cebrián‐Piqueras, A Trenkamp, C Fløjgaard, ...
Journal of Ecology 107 (2), 829-842, 2019
Community assembly in experimental grasslands: suitable environment or timely arrival?
R Ejrnæs, HH Bruun, BJ Graae
Ecology 87 (5), 1225-1233, 2006
Strong microsite control of seedling recruitment in tundra
BJ Graae, R Ejrnæs, SI Lang, E Meineri, PT Ibarra, HH Bruun
Oecologia 166, 565-576, 2011
Mammal predator and prey species richness are strongly linked at macroscales
C Sandom, L Dalby, C Fløjgaard, WD Kissling, J Lenoir, B Sandel, ...
Ecology 94 (5), 1112-1122, 2013
Spatial application of Random Forest models for fine-scale coastal vegetation classification using object based analysis of aerial orthophoto and DEM data
A Juel, GB Groom, JC Svenning, R Ejrnaes
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 42 …, 2015
Can we trust gradients extracted by detrended correspondence analysis?
R Ejrnæs
Journal of Vegetation Science 11 (4), 565-572, 2000
The impact of temperature regimes on development, dormancy breaking and germination of dwarf shrub seeds from arctic, alpine and boreal sites
BJ Graae, IG Alsos, R Ejrnaes
Plant Ecology 198, 275-284, 2008
Gradient analysis of dry grassland vegetation in Denmark
R Ejrnæs, HH Bruun
Journal of Vegetation Science 11 (4), 573-584, 2000
Man against machine: Do fungal fruitbodies and eDNA give similar biodiversity assessments across broad environmental gradients?
TG Frøslev, R Kjøller, HH Bruun, R Ejrnæs, AJ Hansen, T Læssøe, ...
Biological conservation 233, 201-212, 2019
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20