Katarina Haley
Katarina Haley
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Toward a quantitative basis for assessment and diagnosis of apraxia of speech
KL Haley, A Jacks, M de Riesthal, R Abou-Khalil, HL Roth
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2012
Mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI): Assessment and treatment procedures used by speech-language pathologists (SLPs)
MC Duff, A Proctor, K Haley
Brain injury 16 (9), 773-787, 2002
Script training and generalization for people with aphasia
S Goldberg, KL Haley, A Jacks
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 21 (3), 222-238, 2012
Stop-consonant and vowel perception in 3-and 4-year-old children
RN Ohde, KL Haley
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 102 (6), 3711-3722, 1997
Error variability and the differentiation between apraxia of speech and aphasia with phonemic paraphasia
KL Haley, A Jacks, KT Cunningham
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 56 (3), 891-905, 2013
Collaborative goals for communicative life participation in aphasia: The FOURC model
KL Haley, KT Cunningham, J Barry, M de Riesthal
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 28 (1), 1-13, 2019
Evaluating the spectral distinction between sibilant fricatives through a speaker-centered approach
KL Haley, E Seelinger, KC Mandulak, DJ Zajac
Journal of Phonetics 38 (4), 548-554, 2010
Subjective communication difficulties in very mild aphasia
R Cavanaugh, KL Haley
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 29 (1S), 437-448, 2020
A developmental study of the perception of onset spectra for stop consonants in different vowel environments
RN Ohde, KL Haley, HK Vorperian, CW McMahon
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 97 (6), 3800-3812, 1995
Supporting autonomy for people with aphasia: Use of the Life Interests and Values (LIV) Cards
KL Haley, J Womack, N Helm-Estabrooks, B Lovette, R Goff
Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 20 (1), 22-35, 2013
A developmental study of vowel perception from brief synthetic consonant–vowel syllables
RN Ohde, KL Haley, CW McMahon
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 100 (6), 3813-3824, 1996
Perceptually salient sound distortions and apraxia of speech: A performance continuum
KL Haley, A Jacks, JD Richardson, JL Wambaugh
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 26 (2S), 631-640, 2017
Speech sound distortions in aphasia and apraxia of speech: Reliability and diagnostic significance
KT Cunningham, KL Haley, A Jacks
Aphasiology 30 (4), 396-413, 2016
Word length and vowel duration in apraxia of speech: The use of relative measures
KL Haley, HB Overton
Brain and language 79 (3), 397-406, 2001
Phonetic properties of aphasic-apraxic speech: A modified narrow transcription analysis
KL Haley, GL Bays, RN Ohde
Aphasiology 15 (12), 1125-1142, 2001
Vowel quality in aphasia and apraxia of speech: Phonetic transcription and formant analyses
KL Haley, RN Ohde, RT Wertz
Aphasiology 15 (12), 1107-1123, 2001
Word-level prosodic measures and the differential diagnosis of apraxia of speech
KL Haley, A Jacks
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 33 (5), 479-495, 2019
Auditory masking effects on speech fluency in apraxia of speech and aphasia: Comparison to altered auditory feedback
A Jacks, KL Haley
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 58 (6), 1670-1686, 2015
Life interests and values cards
KL Haley, J Womack, N Helm-Estabrooks, D Caignon, K McCulloch
Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina, 2010
Measuring lexical diversity for discourse analysis in aphasia: Moving-average type–token ratio and word information measure
KT Cunningham, KL Haley
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 63 (3), 710-721, 2020
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Articles 1–20