Kristina Juliane Nielsen
Kristina Juliane Nielsen
Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University
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Targeting single neuronal networks for gene expression and cell labeling in vivo
JH Marshel, T Mori, KJ Nielsen, EM Callaway
Neuron 67 (4), 562-574, 2010
Orthogonal micro-organization of orientation and spatial frequency in primate primary visual cortex
I Nauhaus, KJ Nielsen, AA Disney, EM Callaway
Nature neuroscience 15 (12), 1683-1690, 2012
Eye movements of monkey observers viewing vocalizing conspecifics
AA Ghazanfar, K Nielsen, NK Logothetis
Cognition 101 (3), 515-529, 2006
Dissociation between local field potentials and spiking activity in macaque inferior temporal cortex reveals diagnosticity-based encoding of complex objects
KJ Nielsen, NK Logothetis, G Rainer
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (38), 9639-9645, 2006
Efficient receptive field tiling in primate V1
I Nauhaus, KJ Nielsen, EM Callaway
Neuron 91 (4), 893-904, 2016
Fixations in natural scenes: Interaction of image structure and image content
C Kayser, KJ Nielsen, NK Logothetis
Vision research 46 (16), 2535-2545, 2006
Discrimination strategies of humans and rhesus monkeys for complex visual displays
KJ Nielsen, NK Logothetis, G Rainer
Current Biology 16 (8), 814-820, 2006
Nonlinearity of two-photon Ca2+ imaging yields distorted measurements of tuning for V1 neuronal populations
I Nauhaus, KJ Nielsen, EM Callaway
Journal of Neurophysiology 107 (3), 923-936, 2012
Building maps from maps in primary visual cortex
I Nauhaus, KJ Nielsen
Current opinion in neurobiology 24, 1-6, 2014
Advanced Circuit and Cellular Imaging Methods in Nonhuman Primates.
SL Macknik, RG Alexander, O Caballero, J Chanovas, KJ Nielsen, ...
J Neurosci 39 (42), 8267-8274, 2019
Object features used by humans and monkeys to identify rotated shapes
KJ Nielsen, NK Logothetis, G Rainer
Journal of vision 8 (2), 9-9, 2008
Early emergence of solid shape coding in natural and deep network vision
R Srinath, A Emonds, Q Wang, AA Lempel, E Dunn-Weiss, CE Connor, ...
Current Biology 31 (1), 51-65. e5, 2021
Ferrets as a Model for Higher-Level Visual Motion Processing
AA Lempel, KJ Nielsen
Current Biology 29 (2), 179-191, 2019
Viral vector-based reversible neuronal inactivation and behavioral manipulation in the macaque monkey
KJ Nielsen, EM Callaway, RJ Krauzlis
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 6, 48, 2012
Visual Motion and Form Integration in the Behaving Ferret.
E Dunn-Weiss, SU Nummela, AA Lempel, JM Law, J Ledley, P Salvino, ...
eNeuro 6 (4), 2019
Object recognition: similar visual strategies of birds and mammals
KJ Nielsen, G Rainer
Current Biology 17 (5), R174-R176, 2007
Object representation in a gravitational reference frame
AMX Emonds, R Srinath, KJ Nielsen, CE Connor
Elife 12, e81701, 2023
Development of visual motion integration involves coordination of multiple cortical stages
AA Lempel, KJ Nielsen
Elife 10, e59798, 2021
More than a feeling: sensation from cortical stimulation
KJ Nielsen, EM Callaway
Nature neuroscience 11 (1), 10-11, 2008
Using spikes and local field potentials to reveal computational networks in monkey cortex
KJ Nielsen, G Rainer
Information Processing by Neuronal Populations, 350-362, 2008
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20