Marian Holub
Marian Holub
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Properties characterization of chemically modified hemp hurds
N Stevulova, J Cigasova, A Estokova, E Terpakova, A Geffert, F Kacik, ...
Materials 7 (12), 8131-8150, 2014
Analysis of the chromium concentrations in cement materials
A Eštoková, L Palaščáková, E Singovszká, M Holub
Procedia Engineering 42, 123-130, 2012
Study of iron, copper and zinc removal from acidic solutions by sorption
M Balintova, M Holub, E Singovszka
Chemical engineering transactions 28, 175-180, 2012
The influence of phosphogypsum addition on phosphorus release in biochemical treatment of sewage sludge
Y Chernysh, M Balintova, L Plyatsuk, M Holub, S Demcak
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (6), 1269, 2018
Preparation and characterization of ultramarine blue pigments from fly ash by using the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) for the determination of chemical states of …
A Škvarlová, M Kaňuchová, Ľ Kozáková, E Valušová, M Holub, J Škvarla
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 284, 283-288, 2019
Precipitation of heavy metals from acid mine drainage and their geochemical modeling
A Petrilakova, M Balintova, M Holub
Selected Scientific Papers-Journal of Civil Engineering 9 (1), 79-86, 2014
Heavy metal contamination and its indexing approach for sediment in Smolnik creek (Slovakia)
E Singovszka, M Balintova, M Holub
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 18, 305-313, 2016
Study of Sorption Properties of Zeolite in Acidic Condition in Dependence on Particle Size
M Holub, M Balintona, P Pavlikova, L Palascakova
Chemical Engg. Transaction 32, 2013
Influence of phosphogypsum dump on the soil ecosystem in the Sumy region (Ukraine)
L Plyatsuk, M Balintova, Y Chernysh, S Demcak, M Holub, E Yakhnenko
Applied Sciences 9 (24), 5559, 2019
CO2 utilization for fast preparation of nanocrystalline hydrozincite
E Turianicová, M Kaňuchová, A Zorkovská, M Holub, Z Bujňáková, ...
Journal of CO2 Utilization 16, 328-335, 2016
Sorption in acidic environment–biosorbents in comparison with commercial adsorbens
M Balintova, M Holub, N Stevulova, J Cigasova, M Tesarcikova
Chemical Enginering 39, 2014
Magnetically Functionalized Moss Biomass as Biosorbent for Efficient Co2+ Ions and Thioflavin T Removal
M Pipíška, S Zarodňanská, M Horník, L Ďuriška, M Holub, I Šafařík
Materials 13 (16), 3619, 2020
Characterization of demolition construction waste containing asbestos, and the release of fibrous dust particles
N Stevulova, A Estokova, M Holub, E Singovszka, K Csach
Applied Sciences 10 (11), 4048, 2020
Study of thermal reduction of barium sulphate for barium sulphide preparation
M Balintova, S Demcak, A Estokova, M Holub, P Pavlikova
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2017
Properties and characterization of chemically modified hemp hurds. Materials 7: 8131–8150
N Stevulova, J Cigasova, A Estokova, E Terpakova, A Geffert, F Kacik, ...
Characterization of natural zeolite and determination its adsorption properties
M Holub, M Balintova, S Demcak, M Hurakova
J. Civ. Eng. Environ. Arch 63 (3), 113-122, 2016
Microcrystalline Gd2MoO6 prepared by combined mechanochemical/thermal process and its magnetic properties
E Tóthová, R Tarasenko, V Tkáč, M Orendáč, M Hegedüs, Z Danková, ...
Journal of Materials Science 54, 6111-6121, 2019
Properties characterization of chemically modified hemp hurds. Materials 7 (12): 8131–8150
N Stevulova, J Cigasova, A Estokova, E Terpakova, A Geffert, F Kacik, ...
Qualitative characterization of sediment from the Smolnik creek influenced by acid mine drainage
M Balintova, E Singovszka, M Holub
Procedia Engineering 42, 1520-1526, 2012
Assessment of pyrogenic carbonaceous materials for effective removal of radiocesium
M Pipíška, S Ballová, V Fristak, L Ďuriška, M Hornik, S Demcak, M Holub, ...
Key Engineering Materials 838, 103-110, 2020
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مقالات 1–20