Douglas Jackson-Smith
Douglas Jackson-Smith
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Toward sustainable agricultural systems in the 21st century
National Research Council, Division on Earth, Life Studies, ...
National Academies Press, 2010
Transforming US agriculture
JP Reganold, D Jackson-Smith, SS Batie, RR Harwood, JL Kornegay, ...
Science 332 (6030), 670-671, 2011
A survey of selected heavy metal concentrations in Wisconsin dairy feeds
Y Li, DF McCrory, JM Powell, H Saam, D Jackson-Smith
Journal of Dairy Science 88 (8), 2911-2922, 2005
The dynamics of agricultural biotechnology adoption: Lessons from rBST use in Wisconsin, 1994-2001
BL Barham, JD Foltz, D Jackson-Smith, S Moon
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 61-72, 2004
People, place, behavior, and context: A research agenda for expanding our understanding of what motivates farmers' conservation behaviors
A Reimer, A Thompson, LS Prokopy, JG Arbuckle, K Genskow, ...
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 69 (2), 57A-61A, 2014
An overview of experiences of Wisconsin dairy farmers who modernized their operations
J Bewley, RW Palmer, DB Jackson-Smith
Journal of Dairy Science 84 (3), 717-729, 2001
A comparison of free-stall barns used by modernized Wisconsin dairies
J Bewley, RW Palmer, DB Jackson-Smith
Journal of dairy science 84 (2), 528-541, 2001
Understanding the multidimensionality of property rights orientations: evidence from Utah and Texas ranchers
D Jackson-Smith, U Kreuter, RS Krannich
Society and Natural Resources 18 (7), 587-610, 2005
Accessing blue spaces: Social and geographic factors structuring familiarity with, use of, and appreciation of urban waterways
M Haeffner, D Jackson-Smith, M Buchert, J Risley
Landscape and Urban Planning 167, 136-146, 2017
Effectiveness of the drop-off/pick-up survey methodology in different neighborhood types
D Jackson-Smith, CG Flint, M Dolan, CK Trentelman, G Holyoak, ...
Journal of Rural Social Sciences 31 (3), 3, 2016
Measuring conservation program best management practice implementation and maintenance at the watershed scale
DB Jackson-Smith, M Halling, E de la Hoz, JP McEvoy, JS Horsburgh
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 65 (6), 413-423, 2010
Understanding the Microdynamics of Farm Structural Change: Entry, Exit, and Restructuring among Wisconsin Family Farmers in the 1980s1
DB Jackson‐Smith
Rural Sociology 64 (1), 66-91, 1999
Modeling Milk Production and Labor Efficiencyin Modernized Wisconsin Dairy Herds
J Bewley, RW Palmer, DB Jackson-Smith
Journal of Dairy Science 84 (3), 705-716, 2001
Property rights orientations and rangeland management objectives: Texas, Utah, and Colorado
UP Kreuter, MV Nair, D Jackson-Smith, JR Conner, JE Johnston
Rangeland Ecology & Management 59 (6), 632-639, 2006
Use of animal density to estimate manure nutrient recycling ability of Wisconsin dairy farms
H Saam, JM Powell, DB Jackson-Smith, WL Bland, JL Posner
Agricultural Systems 84 (3), 343-357, 2005
Phosphorus feeding and manure nutrient recycling on Wisconsin dairy farms
JM Powell, DB Jackson-Smith, LD Satter
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 62, 277-286, 2002
Using choice question formats to determine compensable values: The case of a landfill-siting process
A Caplan, T Grijalva, D Jackson-Smith
Ecological economics 60 (4), 834-846, 2007
Validation of feed and manure data collected on Wisconsin dairy farms
JM Powell, DB Jackson-Smith, DF McCrory, H Saam, M Mariola
Journal of Dairy Science 89 (6), 2268-2278, 2006
Influence of recreational activity on water quality perceptions and concerns in Utah: A replicated analysis
MJ Barnett, D Jackson-Smith, M Haeffner
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 22, 26-36, 2018
iSAW: Integrating structure, actors, and water to study socio‐hydro‐ecological systems
RL Hale, A Armstrong, MA Baker, S Bedingfield, D Betts, C Buahin, ...
Earth's Future 3 (3), 110-132, 2015
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مقالات 1–20