Fosco Bernasconi
Fosco Bernasconi
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Neural sources and underlying mechanisms of neural responses to heartbeats, and their role in bodily self-consciousness: an intracranial EEG study
HD Park, F Bernasconi, R Salomon, C Tallon-Baudry, L Spinelli, M Seeck, ...
Cerebral Cortex 28 (7), 2351-2364, 2018
Transient modulations of neural responses to heartbeats covary with bodily self-consciousness
HD Park, F Bernasconi, J Bello-Ruiz, C Pfeiffer, R Salomon, O Blanke
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (32), 8453-8460, 2016
Plastic modifications within inhibitory control networks induced by practicing a stop-signal task: An electrical neuroimaging study
AL Manuel, F Bernasconi, L Spierer
Cortex 49 (4), 1141-1147, 2013
Peripersonal space: an index of multisensory body–environment interactions in real, virtual, and mixed realities
A Serino, JP Noel, R Mange, E Canzoneri, E Pellencin, JB Ruiz, ...
Frontiers in ICT 4, 31, 2018
Audio-tactile and peripersonal space processing around the trunk in human parietal and temporal cortex: An intracranial EEG study
F Bernasconi, JP Noel, HD Park, N Faivre, M Seeck, L Spinelli, K Schaller, ...
Cerebral Cortex 28 (9), 3385-3397, 2018
Spatiotemporal brain dynamics of emotional face processing modulations induced by the serotonin 1A/2A receptor agonist psilocybin
F Bernasconi, A Schmidt, T Pokorny, M Kometer, E Seifritz, ...
Cerebral cortex 24 (12), 3221-3231, 2014
Evidence accumulation relates to perceptual consciousness and monitoring
M Pereira, P Megevand, MX Tan, W Chang, S Wang, A Rezai, M Seeck, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 3261, 2021
Sensorimotor induction of auditory misattribution in early psychosis
R Salomon, P Progin, A Griffa, G Rognini, KQ Do, P Conus, S Marchesotti, ...
Schizophrenia bulletin 46 (4), 947-954, 2020
Auditory perceptual decision-making based on semantic categorization of environmental sounds
M De Lucia, A Tzovara, F Bernasconi, L Spierer, MM Murray
Neuroimage 60 (3), 1704-1715, 2012
Self-grounded vision: hand ownership modulates visual location through cortical β and γ oscillations
N Faivre, J Dönz, M Scandola, H Dhanis, JB Ruiz, F Bernasconi, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (1), 11-22, 2017
Sensorimotor conflicts alter metacognitive and action monitoring
N Faivre, L Vuillaume, F Bernasconi, R Salomon, O Blanke, ...
Cortex 124, 224-234, 2020
Pre-stimulus beta oscillations within left posterior sylvian regions impact auditory temporal order judgment accuracy
F Bernasconi, AL Manuel, MM Murray, L Spierer
International Journal of Psychophysiology 79 (2), 244-248, 2011
Noise in brain activity engenders perception and influences discrimination sensitivity
F Bernasconi, M De Lucia, A Tzovara, AL Manuel, MM Murray, L Spierer
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (49), 17971-17981, 2011
Robot-induced hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease depend on altered sensorimotor processing in fronto-temporal network
F Bernasconi, E Blondiaux, J Potheegadoo, G Stripeikyte, ...
Science Translational Medicine 13 (591), eabc8362, 2021
Invisible visual stimuli elicit increases in alpha-band power
I Bareither, M Chaumon, F Bernasconi, A Villringer, NA Busch
Journal of Neurophysiology 112 (5), 1082-1090, 2014
Behavioral and neurophysiological evidence for altered interoceptive bodily processing in chronic pain
M Solcà, HD Park, F Bernasconi, O Blanke
NeuroImage 217, 116902, 2020
Interhemispheric coupling between the posterior sylvian regions impacts successful auditory temporal order judgment
F Bernasconi, J Grivel, MM Murray, L Spierer
Neuropsychologia 48 (9), 2579-2585, 2010
Plastic brain mechanisms for attaining auditory temporal order judgment proficiency
F Bernasconi, J Grivel, MM Murray, L Spierer
Neuroimage 50 (3), 1271-1279, 2010
Interoceptive signals impact visual processing: Cardiac modulation of visual body perception
R Ronchi, F Bernasconi, C Pfeiffer, J Bello-Ruiz, M Kaliuzhna, O Blanke
Neuroimage 158, 176-185, 2017
Learning-induced plasticity in human audition: objects, time, and space
L Spierer, M De Lucia, F Bernasconi, J Grivel, NMP Bourquin, S Clarke, ...
Hearing research 271 (1-2), 88-102, 2011
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مقالات 1–20