Long Nghiem
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A review on the occurrence of micropollutants in the aquatic environment and their fate and removal during wastewater treatment
Y Luo, W Guo, HH Ngo, LD Nghiem, FI Hai, J Zhang, S Liang, XC Wang
Science of the total environment 473, 619-641, 2014
Extraction and transport of metal ions and small organic compounds using polymer inclusion membranes (PIMs)
LD Nghiem, P Mornane, ID Potter, JM Perera, RW Cattrall, SD Kolev
Journal of Membrane Science 281 (1-2), 7-41, 2006
Removal of natural hormones by nanofiltration membranes: measurement, modeling, and mechanisms
LD Nghiem, AI Schäfer, M Elimelech
Environmental science & technology 38 (6), 1888-1896, 2004
Pharmaceutical retention mechanisms by nanofiltration membranes
LD Nghiem, AI Schäfer, M Elimelech
Environmental science & technology 39 (19), 7698-7705, 2005
Removal of trace organics by MBR treatment: the role of molecular properties
N Tadkaew, FI Hai, JA McDonald, SJ Khan, LD Nghiem
Water research 45 (8), 2439-2451, 2011
Standard methodology for evaluating membrane performance in osmotically driven membrane processes
TY Cath, M Elimelech, JR McCutcheon, RL McGinnis, A Achilli, ...
Desalination 312, 31-38, 2013
Potable water reuse through advanced membrane technology
CY Tang, Z Yang, H Guo, JJ Wen, LD Nghiem, E Cornelissen
Environmental Science & Technology 52 (18), 10215-10223, 2018
Effects of membrane fouling on the nanofiltration of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs): Mechanisms and role of membrane pore size
LD Nghiem, S Hawkes
Separation and Purification Technology 57 (1), 176-184, 2007
Full scale co-digestion of wastewater sludge and food waste: bottlenecks and possibilities
LD Nghiem, K Koch, D Bolzonella, JE Drewes
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72, 354-362, 2017
Comparison of the removal of hydrophobic trace organic contaminants by forward osmosis and reverse osmosis
M Xie, LD Nghiem, WE Price, M Elimelech
Water research 46 (8), 2683-2692, 2012
Microalgae biomass as a sustainable source for biofuel, biochemical and biobased value-added products: An integrated biorefinery concept
SYA Siddiki, M Mofijur, PS Kumar, SF Ahmed, A Inayat, F Kusumo, ...
Fuel 307, 121782, 2022
Optimization of process parameters for production of volatile fatty acid, biohydrogen and methane from anaerobic digestion
MA Khan, HH Ngo, WS Guo, Y Liu, LD Nghiem, FI Hai, LJ Deng, J Wang, ...
Bioresource technology 219, 738-748, 2016
Removal of the natural hormone estrone from aqueous solutions using nanofiltration and reverse osmosis
AI Schäfer, LD Nghiem, TD Waite
Environmental science & technology 37 (1), 182-188, 2003
Removal of organic micropollutants using advanced membrane-based water and wastewater treatment: A review
NK Khanzada, MU Farid, JA Kharraz, J Choi, CY Tang, LD Nghiem, ...
Journal of membrane science 598, 117672, 2020
Boron removal by reverse osmosis membranes in seawater desalination applications
KL Tu, LD Nghiem, AR Chivas
Separation and Purification Technology 75 (2), 87-101, 2010
Combining MBR and NF/RO membrane filtration for the removal of trace organics in indirect potable water reuse applications
AA Alturki, N Tadkaew, JA McDonald, SJ Khan, WE Price, LD Nghiem
Journal of Membrane Science 365 (1-2), 206-215, 2010
Understanding the factors controlling the removal of trace organic contaminants by white-rot fungi and their lignin modifying enzymes: a critical review
S Yang, FI Hai, LD Nghiem, WE Price, F Roddick, MT Moreira, SF Magram
Bioresource technology 141, 97-108, 2013
The COVID-19 pandemic: considerations for the waste and wastewater services sector
LD Nghiem, B Morgan, E Donner, MD Short
Case studies in chemical and environmental engineering 1, 100006, 2020
Challenges in the application of microbial fuel cells to wastewater treatment and energy production: a mini review
MH Do, HH Ngo, WS Guo, Y Liu, SW Chang, DD Nguyen, LD Nghiem, ...
Science of the Total Environment 639, 910-920, 2018
A forward osmosis–membrane distillation hybrid process for direct sewer mining: system performance and limitations
M Xie, LD Nghiem, WE Price, M Elimelech
Environmental science & technology 47 (23), 13486-13493, 2013
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مقالات 1–20