Ramasamy E V
Ramasamy E V
Professor , School of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Microplastic pollution in Vembanad Lake, Kerala, India: the first report of microplastics in lake and estuarine sediments in India
S Sruthy, EV Ramasamy
Environmental pollution 222, 315-322, 2017
Potential of two epigeic and two anecic earthworm species in vermicomposting of water hyacinth
S Gajalakshmi, EV Ramasamy, SA Abbasi
Bioresource technology 76 (3), 177-181, 2001
Feasibility studies on the treatment of dairy wastewaters with upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors
EV Ramasamy, S Gajalakshmi, R Sanjeevi, MN Jithesh, SA Abbasi
Bioresource technology 93 (2), 209-212, 2004
Leachate pollution index as an effective tool in determining the phytotoxicity of municipal solid waste leachate
V Arunbabu, KS Indu, EV Ramasamy
Waste Management 68, 329-336, 2017
High-rate composting–vermicomposting of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes, Mart. Solms)
S Gajalakshmi, EV Ramasamy, SA Abbasi
Bioresource technology 83 (3), 235-239, 2002
Composting–vermicomposting of leaf litter ensuing from the trees of mango (Mangifera indica)
S Gajalakshmi, EV Ramasamy, SA Abbasi
Bioresource technology 96 (9), 1057-1061, 2005
Assessment of sustainable vermiconversion of water hyacinth at different reactor efficiencies employing Eudrilus eugeniae Kinberg
S Gajalakshmi, EV Ramasamy, SA Abbasi
Bioresource technology 80 (2), 131-135, 2001
Tree species diversity and community composition in a human-dominated tropical forest of Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot, India
K Anitha, S Joseph, RJ Chandran, EV Ramasamy, SN Prasad
Ecological Complexity 7 (2), 217-224, 2010
Energy recovery from dairy waste-waters: impacts of biofilm support systems on anaerobic CST reactors
EV Ramasamy, SA Abbasi
Applied energy 65 (1-4), 91-98, 2000
Extraction of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) from water hyacinth using inexpensive contraptions, and the use of the VFAs as feed supplement in conventional biogas digesters with …
PS Ganesh, EV Ramasamy, S Gajalakshmi, SA Abbasi
Biochemical Engineering Journal 27 (1), 17-23, 2005
Pollutant removal from domestic wastewater with Taro (Colocasia esculenta) planted in a subsurface flow system
T Bindu, VP Sylas, M Mahesh, PS Rakesh, EV Ramasamy
Ecological engineering 33 (1), 68-82, 2008
Risk assessment of heavy metals in Vembanad Lake sediments (south-west coast of India), based on acid-volatile sulfide (AVS)-simultaneously extracted metal (SEM) approach
MN Shyleshchandran, M Mohan, EV Ramasamy
Environmental science and pollution research 25, 7333-7345, 2018
Vermicomposting of different forms of water hyacinth by the earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae, Kinberg
S Gajalakshmi, EV Ramasamy, SA Abbasi
Bioresource Technology 82 (2), 165-169, 2002
Contamination from organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in agricultural soils of Kuttanad agroecosystem in India and related potential health risk
SN Sruthi, MS Shyleshchandran, SP Mathew, EV Ramasamy
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 969-978, 2017
Rhizofiltration of lead using an aromatic medicinal plant Plectranthus amboinicus cultured in a hydroponic nutrient film technique (NFT) system
A Ignatius, V Arunbabu, J Neethu, EV Ramasamy
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 13007-13016, 2014
Sustainable greywater management with Axonopus compressus (broadleaf carpet grass) planted in sub surface flow constructed wetlands
V Arunbabu, S Sruthy, I Antony, EV Ramasamy
Journal of Water Process Engineering 7, 153-160, 2015
Vermicomposting of paper waste with the anecic earthworm Lampito mauritii Kinberg
S Gajalakshmi, EV Ramasamy, SA Abbasi
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2002
Changes in structural attributes of plant communities along disturbance gradients in a dry deciduous forest of Western Ghats, India
K Anitha, S Joseph, EV Ramasamy, SN Prasad
Environmental monitoring and assessment 155, 393-405, 2009
Solid waste management with earthworms
SA Abbasi, EV Ramasamy
(No Title), 2001
Total and methyl mercury in the water, sediment, and fishes of Vembanad, a tropical backwater system in India
EV Ramasamy, KK Jayasooryan, MSS Chandran, M Mohan
Environmental monitoring and assessment 189, 1-19, 2017
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مقالات 1–20