Mohammad Esmaeil Akbari
Mohammad Esmaeil Akbari
Professor asistance
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A chattering-free robust adaptive sliding mode controller for synchronization of two different chaotic systems with unknown uncertainties and external disturbances
MP Aghababa, ME Akbari
Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (9), 5757-5768, 2012
Improved Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy model-based control of flexible joint robot via Hybrid-Taguchi genetic algorithm
P Nikdel, M Hosseinpour, MA Badamchizadeh, MA Akbari
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 33, 12-20, 2014
An efficient modified shuffled frog leaping optimization algorithm
M Pourmahmood, ME Akbari, A Mohammadpour
Int. J. Comput. Appl 32 (1), 0975-8887, 2011
Early Intrusion Detection System using honeypot for industrial control networks
A Pashaei, ME Akbari, MZ Lighvan, A Charmin
Results in Engineering 16, 100576, 2022
Novel adaptive hard-switching based hybrid RF-FSO system architecture using two threshold values in the presence of atmospheric turbulence and pointing error
N Nikbakht-Sardari, M Ghiamy, ME Akbari, A Charmin
Results in engineering 17, 100813, 2023
Implementation of a fuzzy TSK controller for a flexible joint robot
ME Akbari, MA Badamchizadeh, MA Poor
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2012 (1), 279498, 2012
Improving the IDS performance through early detection approach in local area networks using industrial control systems of honeypot
A Pashaei, ME Akbari, MZ Lighvan, HA Teymorzade
2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2020
Application of modified shuffled frog leaping algorithm for robot optimal controller design
MP Aghababa, ME Akbari, AM Shotorani, RM Shotorbani
Int. J. Sci. Eng. Res 2 (11), 1-6, 2011
Nonlinear H∞ controller for flexible joint robots with using feedback linearization
M Akbari, G Alizadeh, S Khanmohammadi, I Hassanzadeh, M Mirzaei, ...
International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), ISSN …, 2011
Honeypot intrusion detection system using an adversarial reinforcement learning for industrial control networks
A Pashaei, ME Akbari, MZ Lighvan, A Charmin
Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication Devices 12 (1), 17-28, 2023
Electrical characteristics of strained double gate MOSFET
H Valinajad, R Hosseini, ME Akbari
Int J Res Rev Appl Sci 13 (2), 436, 2012
Dynamic investigation of capacitors voltage of flying capacitor multilevel inverter based on sine-sawtooth PSCPWM
S Sanakhan, E Babaei, ME Akbari
4th Annual International Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies …, 2013
A Honeypot-assisted Industrial Control System to Detect Replication Attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks
A Pashaei, ME Akbari, MZ Lighvan, A Charmin
Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication Devices 11 (3), 155-160, 2022
Machine Learning-Based Early Intrusion Detection System in Industrial LAN Networks Using Honeypots
A Pashaei, MEE Akbari, MZ Lighvan, A Charmin
Reduction and modification of test cases in Web applications by using multi objective genetic algorithm
A Souri, ME Akbari, A Salehpour
J. Amer. Sci. 8 (4), 757-762, 2012
A new review on Cooperative diversity in wireless networks
M Norouzi, A Souri, M esmaeel Akbari
Life Science Journal 9 (4), 2012
A robust H∞ speed tracking controller for underwater vehicles via particle swarm optimization
MP Aghababa, ME Akbari
International journal of scientific and engineering research 2 (5), 1-7, 2011
Design of a PSO-based LQ Controller for Speed Tracking of Underwater Vehicles
MP Aghababa, ME Akbari
International Journal of Computer Applications 975, 8887, 2011
Design and Implementation of a Nonlinear H∞ tracking Controller for high Elastic Joint Robot with Compensated Friction
ME Akbari, G Alizadeh, S Khanmohammadi, I Hassanzadeh, M Mirzaei, ...
Int. J. Eng. Sci. Technol. 2, 7691-7702, 2010
Deep Learning Based Early Intrusion Detection in IIoT using Honeypot
A Pashaei, ME Akbari, MZ Lighvan, A Charmin
Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering 17 (2), 2023
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مقالات 1–20