Catia Baldassarri
Catia Baldassarri
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على jrc.ec.europa.eu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Life cycle analysis in the construction sector: Guiding the optimization of conventional Italian buildings
F Asdrubali, C Baldassarri, V Fthenakis
Energy and Buildings 64, 73-89, 2013
Benchmarks for environmental impact of housing in Europe: Definition of archetypes and LCA of the residential building stock
M Lavagna, C Baldassarri, A Campioli, S Giorgi, A Dalla Valle, ...
Building and Environment 145, 260-275, 2018
Energy and environmental performance optimization of a wooden window: A holistic approach
G Baldinelli, F Asdrubali, C Baldassarri, F Bianchi, F D’Alessandro, ...
Energy and buildings 79, 114-131, 2014
Energy simulation and LCA for macro-scale analysis of eco-innovations in the housing stock
K Allacker, V Castellani, G Baldinelli, F Bianchi, C Baldassarri, S Sala
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 24, 989-1008, 2019
Evaluation of Green Buildings’ Overall Performance through in Situ Monitoring and Simulations
F Asdrubali, C Buratti, F Cotana, G Baldinelli, M Goretti, E Moretti, ...
Energies 6 (12), 6525-6547, 2013
Uncertainty in LCA: An estimation of practitioner-related effects
F Scrucca, C Baldassarri, G Baldinelli, E Bonamente, S Rinaldi, A Rotili, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 268, 122304, 2020
Consumer footprint. Basket of products indicator on housing
C Baldassarri, K Allacker, F Reale, V Castellani, S Sala
Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg, 2017
Integration of environmental aspects into R&D inter-organizational projects management: application of a life cycle-based method to the development of innovative windows
C Baldassarri, F Mathieux, F Ardente, C Wehmann, K Deese
Journal of Cleaner Production 112, 3388-3401, 2016
Environmental and spatial assessment for the ecodesign of a cladding system with embedded Phase Change Materials
C Baldassarri, S Sala, A Caverzan, ML Tornaghi
Energy and Buildings 156, 374-389, 2017
Energy and emissions analysis of next generation electrochromic devices
C Baldassarri, A Shehabi, F Asdrubali, E Masanet
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 156, 170-181, 2016
Analisi ed ottimizzazione energetico-ambientale di un edificio mediante la valutazione del ciclo di vita (LCA)
F Asdrubali, G Baldinelli, M Battisti, C Baldassarri
8° Congresso Nazionale CIRIAF, 355-360, 2008
Using life cycle based environmental assessment in developing innovative multi-functional glass-polymer windows
K Allacker, M Calero, F Mathieux, C Baldassarri
SB13 Graz Sustainable Buildings, Construction Products & Technologies-Full …, 2013
Life Cycle Assessment of buildings and electric lighting energy consumptions
F Asdrubali, G Baldinelli, C Baldassarri
Proceedings of CIE Conference “Lighting Quality and Energy Efficiency", 2010
Comparative analysis of solar power technologies through life cycle assessment approach
F Asdrubali, B Baldinelli, A Presciutti, C Baldassarri, F Scrucca
Proceedings of the 3rd International Energy, Life Cycle Assessment, and …, 2013
Evaluation of the optimal geometry of air cooled condensers for concentrated solar power plants through the LCA approach
F Asdrubali, G Baldinelli, C Baldassarri, F Scrucca
3rd International ELCAS3 Proceedings, 2013
Contribution of windows to the overall building environmental performances
C Baldassarri, F Ardente, F Mathieux, M Oates
Brussels, 2015
Electric lighting energy consumptions of buildings and consequences in life cycle assessment
F Asdrubali, C Baldassarri
International symposium “LCA and construction”, Nantes, France, 2012
Energy andemissionsanalysisofnextgeneration electrochromicdevices
C Baldassarri, A Shehabi, F Asdrubali, M Eric
Il processo di progettazione illuminotecnica
A Bargone, F Asdrubali, C Baldassarri
Qualità globale dell'ambiente interno, 231-240, 2014
L’analisi del ciclo di vita degli edifici esistenti
F Asdrubali, F Scrucca, C Baldassarri
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20