Training career adaptability to facilitate a successful school-to-work transition J Koen, UC Klehe, AEM Van Vianen Journal of Vocational Behavior 81 (3), 395-408, 2012 | 867 | 2012 |
Job loss as a blessing in disguise: The role of career exploration and career planning in predicting reemployment quality J Zikic, UC Klehe Journal of Vocational Behavior 69 (3), 391-409, 2006 | 666 | 2006 |
Job-search strategies and reemployment quality: The impact of career adaptability J Koen, UC Klehe, AEM Van Vianen, J Zikic, A Nauta Journal of Vocational Behavior 77 (1), 126-139, 2010 | 512 | 2010 |
Self-efficacy PA Heslin, UC Klehe Encyclopedia Of Industrial/Organizational Psychology, SG Rogelberg, ed 2 …, 2006 | 480 | 2006 |
Career adapt-abilities scale—Netherlands form: Psychometric properties and relationships to ability, personality, and regulatory focus AEM van Vianen, UC Klehe, J Koen, N Dries Journal of Vocational Behavior 80 (3), 716-724, 2012 | 292 | 2012 |
Career adaptability, turnover and loyalty during organizational downsizing UC Klehe, J Zikic, AEM Van Vianen, IE De Pater Journal of Vocational Behavior 79 (1), 217-229, 2011 | 280 | 2011 |
EMPLOYEES'CHALLENGING JOB EXPERIENCES AND SUPERVISORS'EVALUATIONS OF PROMOTABILITY IE De Pater, AEM Van Vianen, MN Bechtoldt, UTEC KLEHE Personnel Psychology 62 (2), 297-325, 2009 | 276 | 2009 |
Reasons for being selective when choosing personnel selection procedures CJ König, UC Klehe, M Berchtold, M Kleinmann International Journal of Selection and Assessment 18 (1), 17-27, 2010 | 250 | 2010 |
Employability among the long-term unemployed: A futile quest or worth the effort? J Koen, UC Klehe, AEM Van Vianen Journal of vocational behavior 82 (1), 37-48, 2013 | 207 | 2013 |
Working hard and working smart: motivation and ability during typical and maximum performance. UC Klehe, N Anderson Journal of Applied Psychology 92 (4), 978, 2007 | 163 | 2007 |
Can I come as I am? Refugees' vocational identity threats, coping, and growth K Wehrle, UC Klehe, M Kira, J Zikic Journal of Vocational Behavior 105, 83-101, 2018 | 159 | 2018 |
Choosing how to choose: Institutional pressures affecting the adoption of personnel selection procedures UC Klehe International Journal of Selection and Assessment 12 (4), 327-342, 2004 | 152 | 2004 |
Is the future still open? The mediating role of occupational future time perspective in the effects of career adaptability and aging experience on late career planning U Fasbender, AM Wöhrmann, M Wang, UC Klehe Journal of Vocational Behavior 111, 24-38, 2019 | 137 | 2019 |
The impact of job complexity and study design on situational and behavior description interview validity AI Huffcutt, JM Conway, PL Roth, UC Klehe International Journal of Selection and Assessment 12 (3), 262-273, 2004 | 132 | 2004 |
Putting career construction into context: Career adaptability among refugees K Wehrle, M Kira, UC Klehe Journal of Vocational Behavior 111, 107-124, 2019 | 123 | 2019 |
Candidates' ability to identify criteria in nontransparent selection procedures: Evidence from an assessment center and a structured interview CJ König, KG Melchers, M Kleinmann, GM Richter, UC Klehe International Journal of Selection and Assessment 15 (3), 283-292, 2007 | 119 | 2007 |
Coping proactively with economic stress: Career adaptability in the face of job insecurity, job loss, unemployment, and underemployment UC Klehe, J Zikic, AEM van Vianen, J Koen, M Buyken The role of the economic crisis on occupational stress and well being, 131-176, 2012 | 117 | 2012 |
Transparency in structured interviews: Consequences for construct and criterion-related validity UC Klehe, CJ König, GM Richter, M Kleinmann, KG Melchers Human Performance 21 (2), 107-137, 2008 | 116 | 2008 |
The moderating influence of personality and culture on social loafing in typical versus maximum performance situations UC Klehe, N Anderson International Journal of Selection and Assessment 15 (2), 250-262, 2007 | 100 | 2007 |
What would you do—really or ideally? Constructs underlying the behavior description interview and the situational interview in predicting typical versus maximum performance UC Klehe, G Latham Human performance 19 (4), 357-382, 2006 | 99 | 2006 |