Federico Frascoli
Federico Frascoli
Professor of Applied Mathematics
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Wind generated rogue waves in an annular wave flume
A Toffoli, D Proment, H Salman, J Monbaliu, F Frascoli, M Dafilis, ...
Physical review letters 118 (14), 144503, 2017
A dynamical model of tumour immunotherapy
F Frascoli, PS Kim, BD Hughes, KA Landman
Mathematical biosciences 253, 50-62, 2014
Oncolytic virotherapy for tumours following a Gompertz growth law
AL Jenner, PS Kim, F Frascoli
Journal of theoretical biology 480, 129-140, 2019
Effects of confinement on the dielectric response of water extends up to mesoscale dimensions
S De Luca, SK Kannam, BD Todd, F Frascoli, JS Hansen, PJ Daivis
Langmuir 32 (19), 4765-4773, 2016
Chaos and generalised multistability in a mesoscopic model of the electroencephalogram
MP Dafilis, F Frascoli, PJ Cadusch, DTJ Liley
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 238 (13), 1056-1060, 2009
Delay from treatment start to full effect of immunotherapies for multiple sclerosis
I Roos, E Leray, F Frascoli, R Casey, JWL Brown, D Horakova, ...
Brain 143 (9), 2742-2756, 2020
Treating cancerous cells with viruses: insights from a minimal model for oncolytic virotherapy
AL Jenner, ACF Coster, PS Kim, F Frascoli
Swinburne, 2018
A computational model for collective cellular motion in three dimensions: general framework and case study for cell pair dynamics
F Frascoli, BD Hughes, MH Zaman, KA Landman
PloS one 8 (3), e59249, 2013
Enhancing oncolytic virotherapy: Observations from a Voronoi Cell-Based model
AL Jenner, F Frascoli, ACF Coster, PS Kim
Journal of Theoretical Biology 485, 110052, 2020
The influence of increasing life expectancy on the dynamics of SIRS systems with immune boosting
MP Dafilis, F Frascoli, JG Wood, JM McCaw
The ANZIAM Journal 54 (1-2), 50-63, 2012
Electropumping of water in functionalized carbon nanotubes using rotating electric fields
D Ostler, SK Kannam, PJ Daivis, F Frascoli, BD Todd
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (50), 28158-28165, 2017
Metabifurcation analysis of a mean field model of the cortex
F Frascoli, L Van Veen, I Bojak, DTJ Liley
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 240 (11), 949-962, 2011
Molecular simulation of the thermodynamic, structural, and vapor-liquid equilibrium properties of neon
M Vlasiuk, F Frascoli, RJ Sadus
The Journal of Chemical Physics 145 (10), 2016
Optimising hydrogel release profiles for viro-immunotherapy using oncolytic adenovirus expressing IL-12 and GM-CSF with immature dendritic cells
AL Jenner, F Frascoli, CO Yun, PS Kim
Applied Sciences 10 (8), 2872, 2020
Observation of turbulence and intermittency in wave-induced oscillatory flows
A Alberello, M Onorato, F Frascoli, A Toffoli
Wave Motion 84, 81-89, 2019
Wave turbulence and intermittency in directional wave fields
E Fadaeiazar, A Alberello, M Onorato, J Leontini, F Frascoli, T Waseda, ...
Wave motion 83, 94-101, 2018
Infection-acquired versus vaccine-acquired immunity in an SIRWS model
T Leung, PT Campbell, BD Hughes, F Frascoli, JM McCaw
Infectious Disease Modelling 3, 118-135, 2018
Bifurcations and state changes in the human alpha rhythm: theory and experiment
DTJ Liley, I Bojak, MP Dafilis, L van Veen, F Frascoli, BL Foster
Modeling phase transitions in the brain, 117-145, 2010
The role of viral infectivity in oncolytic virotherapy outcomes: A mathematical study
P Pooladvand, CO Yun, AR Yoon, PS Kim, F Frascoli
Mathematical Biosciences 334, 108520, 2021
Chaotic properties of planar elongational flow and planar shear flow: Lyapunov exponents, conjugate-pairing rule, and phase space contraction
F Frascoli, DJ Searles, BD Todd
Physical Review E 73 (4), 046206, 2006
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مقالات 1–20