Ibtissem Bouasker
Ibtissem Bouasker
Service de chirurgie B, Hôpital Charles Nicolle, Tunis. Faculté de médecine de Tunis
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Laparoscopic versus open complete mesocolon excision in right colon cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis
MA Chaouch, MW Dougaz, I Bouasker, H Jerraya, W Ghariani, ...
World journal of surgery 43, 3179-3190, 2019
Surgery of the pancreatic cystic echinococcosis: systematic review
C Dziri, W Dougaz, I Bouasker
Translational gastroenterology and hepatology 2, 105, 2017
Validation of the Lacaine-Huguier predictive score for choledocholithiasis: prospective study of 380 patients
M Khalfallah, W Dougaz, R Bedoui, I Bouasker, Y Chaker, R Nouira, ...
Journal of visceral surgery 149 (1), e66-e72, 2012
Management of liver metastases from gastric carcinoma: where is the evidence?
H Jerraya, A Saidani, M Khalfallah, I Bouasker, R Nouira, C Dziri
La Tunisie Médicale 91 (1), 1-5, 2013
Laparascopic cholecystectomy on a previously operated abdomen
I Bouasker, MA El Ouaer, I Smaali, M Khalfallah, B Achour, N Najah, ...
La Tunisie medicale 88 (2), 88-91, 2010
Mycophenolate mofetil in treatment of childhood steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome.
M Jellouli, S Fitouhi, K Abidi, Y Hammi, O Naija, C Zarrouk, T Gargah
La Tunisie Medicale 94 (3), 221-225, 2016
Parietal abscess revealing a lost gallstone 8 years after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
I Bouasker, A Zoghlami, MA El Ouaer, M Khalfallah, I Samaali, C Dziri
La Tunisie Medicale 88 (4), 277-279, 2010
Recurrence Factors of Groin Hernia: a systematic Review.
W Ghariani, MW Dougaz, H Jerraya, M Khalfallah, I Bouasker, C Dziri
La Tunisie médicale 97 (5), 619-625, 2019
Prognostic factors in rectal cancer: where is the evidence?
M Khalfallah, W Dougaz, H Jerraya, R Nouira, I Bouasker, C Dziri
La Tunisie Médicale 95 (2), 79-86, 2017
A case report of complicated appendicular hydatid cyst mimicking an appendiceal mucocele
MA Chaouch, MW Dougaz, M Khalfallah, H Jerraya, R Nouira, I Bouasker, ...
Clinical journal of gastroenterology 12, 574-577, 2019
Management of perforated duodenal peptic ulcer treated by suture
W Dougaz, M Khalfallah, I Bouasker, C Dziri
Hydatid cysts of the pancreas, report of two cases
I Bouasker, A Zoghlami, B Achour, H Najah, R Bedoui, ML Hani, N Najah
La tunisie Medicale 87 (2), 155-158, 2009
Squamous cell carcinoma arising in Verneuil's disease
JB Achour, I Bounsker, H Najah, H Zribi, R Bedoui, F Guesmi, MA Hani, ...
TUNISIE MEDICALE 86 (2), 169, 2008
Predictive factors for major amputation of lower limb in diabetic foot: about 430 patients Facteurs prédictifs d'amputation majeure du membre inférieur chez le diabétique: à …
M Khalfallah, EL Gouta, W Dougaz, H Jerraya, I Samaali, R Nouira, ...
La Tunisie Medicale 96 (05), 2018
Predictive factors of morbidity and mortality after surgery in the elderly
MA Hani, A Cherif, I Bouasker, R Zribi, MM Gargouri, JB Achour, F Guesmi, ...
La Tunisie medicale 82 (8), 730-734, 2004
Radical surgery decreases overall morbidity and recurrence compared with conservative surgery for liver cystic echinococcosis: systematic review with meta-analysis
C Dziri, W Dougaz, I Samaali, M Khalfallah, M Jerraya, R Mzabi, ...
Annals of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery 4, 2019
Predictive factor of recurrence after curative resection for stage i-ii colon cancer Facteurs prédictifs de récidive après résection curative pour cancer du colon stade i-ii.
W Dougaz, I Bouasker, EL Gouta, M Khalfallah, A Oueslati, I Samaali, ...
La tunisie Medicale 97 (05), 2019
Morbidity and mortality of infected diabetic foot managed in general surgical department.
EL Gouta, M Khalfallah, W Dougaz, I Samaali, R Nouira, I Bouasker, ...
La Tunisie Medicale 96 (12), 875-883, 2018
Predictive factors of failure and mortality after ct-guided percutaneous drainage of infected pancreatic necrosis. Facteurs prédictifs d'échec et de mortalité après drainage …
W Dougaz, I Bouasker, SB Osman, R Nouira, C Dziri
La Tunisie Médicale 94 (1), 2016
Spinal anesthesia versus general anesthesia for inguinal hernia repair: propensity score analysis
I Samaali, R Bedoui, I Bouasker, Y Chaker, A Slama, M Houissa, R Nouira, ...
La Tunisie medicale 90 (10), 686-691, 2012
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20