Johan De Deken
Johan De Deken
Assistant Professor in Sociology of Labour, University of Amsterdam
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Identifying the skeleton of the social investment state: defining and measuring patterns of social policy change on the basis of expenditure data
J De Deken
Reconciling work and poverty reduction. How successful are European welfare …, 2014
Social expenditure under scrutiny: the problems of using aggregate spending data for assessing welfare state dynamics
J De Deken, B Kittel
Jochen Clasen/Nico A. Siegel (Hg.), Investigating Welfare State Change: The …, 2007
Home-ownership and pensions: Negative correlation, but no trade-off
N Delfani, J De Deken, C Dewilde
Housing Studies 29 (5), 657-676, 2014
Social solidarity
JJ De Deken, E Ponds, B Van Riel
The Oxford handbook of pensions and retirement income, 141-160, 2006
Poor because of low pensions or expensive housing? The combined impact of pension and housing systems on poverty among the elderly
N Delfani, J De Deken, C Dewilde
International Journal of Housing Policy 15 (3), 260-284, 2015
Conceptualizing and measuring social investment
J De Deken
The Uses of Social Investment 184, 2017
Pensions and the reduction of non-wage labour costs. Modelling a decade of reforms in Germany
JJD Deken
Journal of European Social Policy 12 (4), 277-291, 2002
Belgium: A precursor muddling through
J De Deken
Regulating the risk of unemployment: National adaptations to post-industrial …, 2011
Tracking caseloads: the changing composition of working-age benefit receipt in Europe
J De Deken, J Clasen
Regulating the risk of unemployment: National adaptations to post-industrial …, 2011
Sociální politika a politika solidarity: Existují perspektivy pro sociální demokracii ve střední a východní Evropě?/Social policy and the politics of solidarity: Are they any …
JJ DE DEKEN, M Kudernatsch
Sociologický Časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 351-368, 1992
Towards an index of private pension provision
J De Deken
Journal of European Social Policy 23 (3), 270-286, 2013
Benefit dependency: The pros and cons of using “caseload” data for national and international comparisons
J De Deken, J Clasen
International Social Security Review 66 (2), 53-78, 2013
The German social democratic party
JJ De Deken
Social Democratic Parties in the European Union: History, Organization …, 1999
Trabajo, ocio y participación social
C Offe, J de Deken
Las estructuras del bienestar en Europa, 593-612, 2000
Social policy in postwar Czechoslovakia: the development of old-age pensions and housing policies during the period 1945-1989
JJ De Deken
European University Institute, 1994
Belgium: The paradox of persisting voluntarism in a corporatist welfare state
JJ De Deken
Oxford [etc.] Oxford University Press, 2011
The Netherlands: the challenges posed by the unintended universal financialisation of retirement provision
J De Deken
Distribution of responsibility for social security and labour market policy.-Country report: Belgium
J De Deken
AmsterdamAmsterdam Institute of Advanced Labour Studies, University of Amsterdam, 2007
Christian democracy, social democracy and the paradoxes of earnings‐related social security
JJ De Deken
International Journal of Social Welfare 11 (1), 22-39, 2002
Social Policy, Democratization and State Structure: Reflections on Late Nineteenth-century Britain and Germany
JJ De Deken, D Rueschemeyer
State Theory and State History, London: Sage Publications, 1992
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مقالات 1–20