Dr. Muhammad Kashif
Dr. Muhammad Kashif
HoD and Associate Professor of Practice, NUST Business School | Postdoctorate, TU-Berlin
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Customer satisfaction and loyalty in Malaysian Islamic banks: a PAKSERV investigation
M Kashif, SSW Shukran, MA Rehman, S Sarifuddin
International Journal of Bank Marketing 33 (1), 23-40, 2015
Charity donation: intentions and behaviour
M Kashif, S Sarifuddin, A Hassan
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 33 (1), 90-102, 2015
The impact of attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control on managers’ intentions to behave ethically
M Kashif, A Zarkada, T Ramayah
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 29 (5-6), 481-501, 2018
The moderating effect of religiosity on ethical behavioural intentions: An application of the extended theory of planned behaviour to Pakistani bank employees
M Kashif, A Zarkada, R Thurasamy
Personnel Review 46 (2), 429-448, 2017
Value co-destruction between customers and frontline employees: A social system perspective
M Kashif, A Zarkada
International Journal of Bank Marketing 33 (6), 672-691, 2015
EXQ: measurement of healthcare experience quality in Malaysian settings: A contextualist perspective
M Kashif, S Zakiah Melatu Samsi, Z Awang, M Mohamad
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing 10 (1), 27-47, 2016
Brand equity of Lahore Fort as a tourism destination brand
M Kashif, SZM Samsi, S Sarifuddin
Revista de Administração de Empresas 55, 432-443, 2015
Money donations intentions among Muslim donors: an extended theory of planned behavior model
M Kashif, EC De Run
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 20 (1), 84-96, 2015
I’m loving it but hating US: understanding consumer emotions and perceived service quality of US fast food brands
M Kashif, Z Awang, J Walsh, U Altaf
British Food Journal 117 (9), 2344-2360, 2015
The dynamics of Zakat donation experience among Muslims: a phenomenological inquiry
M Kashif, K Faisal Jamal, M Abdur Rehman
Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 9 (1), 45-58, 2018
Frogs in boiling water: a moderated-mediation model of exploitative leadership, fear of negative evaluation and knowledge hiding behaviors
F Syed, S Naseer, MW Akhtar, M Husnain, M Kashif
Journal of Knowledge Management 25 (8), 2067-2087, 2021
Leadership styles and workplace ostracism among frontline employees
I Kanwal, RN Lodhi, M Kashif
Management Research Review 42 (8), 991-1013, 2019
Customer perceived service quality and loyalty in Islamic banks: A collectivist cultural perspective
M Kashif, MA Rehman, L Pileliene
The TQM Journal 28 (1), 62-78, 2016
Customer aggression and organizational turnover among service employees: The moderating role of distributive justice and organizational pride
M Kashif, A Zarkada, R Thurasamy
Personnel Review 46 (8), 1672-1688, 2017
You abuse but I will stay: The combined effects of job stress, customer abuse, and emotional intelligence on employee turnover
M Kashif, E Braganca, Z Awang, E Cyril De Run
Journal of Management Development 36 (7), 899-914, 2017
Strategic management from an Islamic perspective: Text and cases
R Fontaine, K Ahmad
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
PAKSERV–measuring higher education service quality in a collectivist cultural context
M Kashif, T Ramayah, S Sarifuddin
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 27 (3-4), 265-278, 2016
Psychological safety, meaningfulness and empowerment as predictors of employee well-being: a mediating role of promotive voice
F Hasan, M Kashif
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration 13 (1), 40-59, 2021
The role of resonant leadership, workplace friendship and serving culture in predicting organizational commitment: The mediating role of compassion at work
R Ali, M Kashif
Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios 22 (04), 799-819, 2020
An Exploration of the Determinants of OCB in the Telecommunication Sector of Pakistan
M Kashif, Y Khan, M Rafi
Asian Journal of Business Management 3 (2), 91-97, 2011
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مقالات 1–20