Cristina D. Zepeda
Cristina D. Zepeda
Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Direct instruction of metacognition benefits adolescent science learning, transfer, and motivation: An in vivo study.
CD Zepeda, JE Richey, P Ronevich, TJ Nokes-Malach
Journal of Educational Psychology 107 (4), 954, 2015
Identifying teachers’ supports of metacognition through classroom talk and its relation to growth in conceptual learning.
CD Zepeda, CO Hlutkowsky, AC Partika, TJ Nokes-Malach
Journal of educational psychology 111 (3), 522, 2019
Motivational strategies to engage learners in desirable difficulties
CD Zepeda, RS Martin, AC Butler
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 9 (4), 468-474, 2020
Skill, thrill, and will: The role of metacognition, interest, and self‐control in predicting student engagement in mathematics learning over time
MT Wang, KR Binning, J Del Toro, X Qin, CD Zepeda
Child Development 92 (4), 1369-1387, 2021
More than growth mindset: Individual and interactive links among socioeconomically disadvantaged adolescents’ ability mindsets, metacognitive skills, and math engagement
MT Wang, CD Zepeda, X Qin, J Del Toro, KR Binning
Child Development 92 (5), e957-e976, 2021
Beyond the Rainbow: Retrieval Practice Leads to Better Spelling than does Rainbow Writing
AC Jones, L Wardlow, SC Pan, C Zepeda, GD Heyman, J Dunlosky, ...
Educational Psychology Review 28 (2), 385-400, 2016
Achievement goals and conceptual learning: An examination of teacher talk.
KK Boden, CD Zepeda, TJ Nokes-Malach
Journal of Educational Psychology 112 (6), 1221, 2020
The impact of CSCL beyond the online environment
SN Clarke, G Chen, C Stainton, S Katz, JG Greeno, LB Resnick, G Dyke, ...
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2013
Collaborative learning: The benefits and costs.
TJ Nokes-Malach, CD Zepeda, JE Richey, S Gadgil
Cambridge University Press, 2019
Metacognitive study strategies in a college course and their relation to exam performance
CD Zepeda, TJ Nokes-Malach
Memory & Cognition 49 (3), 480-497, 2021
An interdisciplinary review of self-regulation of learning: Bridging cognitive and educational psychology perspectives
Y Kim, CD Zepeda, AC Butler
Educational Psychology Review 35 (3), 92, 2023
Assessing metacognitive regulation during problem solving: A comparison of three measures
CD Zepeda, TJ Nokes-Malach
Journal of Intelligence 11 (1), 16, 2023
Transfer effects of prompted and self-reported analogical comparison and self-explanation
JE Richey, CD Zepeda, TJ Nokes-Malach
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science society 37, 2015
“They have shown me it is possible to thrive within STEM”: Incorporating Learning Assistants in general chemistry enhances student belonging and confidence
KA Clements, CD Zepeda, A Leich Hilbun, T Todd, TP Clements, ...
Journal of chemical education 100 (11), 4200-4211, 2023
The cultural career script: College students’ expectations for a typical career.
RS Martin, CD Zepeda, C Lindstadt, B Love, AC Butler
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 11 (1), 66, 2022
Learning from feedback in college courses: Student beliefs, practices, and preferences
CD Zepeda, FR Ortegren, AC Butler
Applied Cognitive Psychology 37 (6), 1238-1257, 2023
Situating cost perceptions: How general cost and motivational regulation predict specific momentary cost dimensions
Y Kim, CD Zepeda, RS Martin, AC Butler
Educational Psychology 43 (8), 855-873, 2023
Self-regulated learning in a college course: Examining student metacognitive study strategies, grit, self-efficacy, and performance
CD Zepeda
University of Pittsburgh, 2018
Capturing the relations between metacognition, self-explanation, and analogical comparison: An exploration of two methodologies
CD Zepeda, TJ Nokes-Malach
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 37, 2015
The Mnemonic Effects of Retrieval Practice
CD Zepeda, E Een, AC Butler
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, 2024
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مقالات 1–20