Seismic detection and characterization of landslides and other mass movements E Suriñach, I Vilajosana, G Khazaradze, B Biescas, G Furdada, ... Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 5 (6), 791-798, 2005 | 192 | 2005 |
Study of seismic signals of artificially released snow avalanches for monitoring purposes E Surin, F Sabot, G Furdada, JM Vilaplana Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere …, 2000 | 81 | 2000 |
On the characterization of seismic signals generated by snow avalanches for monitoring purposes E Suriñach, G Furdada, F Sabot, B Biesca, JM Vilaplana Annals of Glaciology 32, 268-274, 2001 | 80 | 2001 |
Frequency content evolution of snow avalanche seismic signals B Biescas, F Dufour, G Furdada, G Khazaradze, E Suriñach Surveys in geophysics 24 (5), 447-464, 2003 | 64 | 2003 |
Study of avalanche dynamics by seismic methods, image-processing techniques and numerical models F Sabot, M Naaim, F Granada, E Surinach, P Planet, G Furdada Annals of Glaciology 26, 319-323, 1998 | 55 | 1998 |
Estudi de les allaus al Pirineu Occidental de Catalunya: predicció espacial i aplicacions de la cartografia G Furdada i Bellavista Universitat de Barcelona, 1996 | 48 | 1996 |
European avalanche test sites: overview and analysis in view of coordinated experiments K Lied, L Rammer, P Revol, F Sabot Eidg. Institut für Schnee-und Lawinenforschung, Bibliothek [Bezugsquelle], 1999 | 46 | 1999 |
Potential of airborne LiDAR data analysis to detect subtle landforms of slope failure: Portainé, Central Pyrenees M Ortuño, M Guinau, J Calvet, G Furdada, J Bordonau, A Ruiz, ... Geomorphology 295, 364-382, 2017 | 41 | 2017 |
Avalanche mapping and related GIS applications in the Catalan Pyrenees G Furdada, G Martí, P Oller, C García, M Mases, JM Vilaplana Surveys in Geophysics 16, 681-693, 1995 | 41 | 1995 |
Distribution and fall-out of 137Cs and other radionuclides over Antarctica M Pourchet, SK Bartarya, M Maignan, J Jouzel, JF Pinglot, AJ Aristarain, ... Journal of Glaciology 43 (145), 435-445, 1997 | 40 | 1997 |
Statistical prediction of maximum avalanche run-out distances from topographic data in the western Catalan Pyrenees (northeast Spain) G Furdada, JM Vilaplana Annals of Glaciology 26, 285-288, 1998 | 37 | 1998 |
Geomorphological method in the elaboration of hazard maps for flash-floods in the municipality of Jucuarán (El Salvador) C Fernández-Lavado, G Furdada, MA Marqués Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 7 (4), 455-465, 2007 | 33 | 2007 |
Geomorphic impact and assessment of flexible barriers using multi-temporal LiDAR data: The Portainé mountain catchment (Pyrenees) A Victoriano, J Brasington, M Guinau, G Furdada, M Cabré, M Moysset Engineering Geology 237, 168-180, 2018 | 30 | 2018 |
Avalanche test sites and research equipment in Europe: an updated overview M Barbolini, D Issler, T Jóhannesson, K Hákonardóttir, K Lied, P Gauer, ... Final-Report Deliverable D 8, 2006 | 29 | 2006 |
The measurement of ice velocity, mass balance and thinning-rate on Johnsons Glacier, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica L Ximenis, JCI PORTA, J Enrique, J Corbera, CF de Gamboa, G Furdada Acta geològica hispánica, 403-409, 1999 | 27 | 1999 |
Four-topic correlation between flood dendrogeomorphological evidence and hydraulic parameters (the Portainé stream, Iberian Peninsula) A Victoriano, A Díez-Herrero, M Génova, M Guinau, G Furdada, ... Catena 162, 216-229, 2018 | 26 | 2018 |
Evaluation of a snow avalanche possibly triggered by a local earthquake at Vallée de la Sionne, Switzerland C Pérez-Guillén, M Tapia, G Furdada, E Suriñach, JN McElwaine, ... Cold Regions Science and Technology 108, 149-162, 2014 | 26 | 2014 |
Flood hazard map of La Trinidad (NW Nicaragua). Method and results G Furdada, LE Calderón, MA Marqués Natural Hazards 45, 183-195, 2008 | 24 | 2008 |
Síntesis cartográfica del glaciarismo surpirenaico oriental D Serrat, J Bordonau, J Bru, G Furdada, A Gomez, J Martí, M Marti, ... El Glaciarismo surpirenaico: Nuevas aportaciones. Geoforma Ediciones …, 1994 | 22 | 1994 |
Study of Johnsons Glacier (Livingston Island, Antarctica) by means of shallow ice cores and their tephra and by analysis of 137Cs content G Furdada, M Pourchet, JM Vilaplana Acta Geológica Hispánica, 391-401, 1999 | 21 | 1999 |