Kaushik Bose
Kaushik Bose
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Determining a global mid-upper arm circumference cut-off to assess underweight in adults (men and non-pregnant women)
AM Tang, M Chung, KR Dong, P Bahwere, K Bose, R Chakraborty, ...
Public health nutrition 23 (17), 3104-3113, 2020
Association of food patterns, central obesity measures and metabolic risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD) in middle aged Bengalee Hindu men, Calcutta, India.
A Ghosh, K Bose, AB Das Chaudhuri
Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition 12 (2), 2003
Stunting, underweight and wasting among Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme children aged 3–5 years of Chapra, Nadia District, West Bengal, India
K Bose, S Biswas, S Bisai, S Ganguli, A Khatun, A Mukhopadhyay, ...
Maternal & child nutrition 3 (3), 216-221, 2007
Anthropometric characteristics and nutritional status based on body mass index of adult Bathudis: a tribal population of Keonjhar District, Orissa, India.
K Bose, F Chakraborty
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 14 (1), 2005
Assessment of overall prevalence of undernutrition using composite index of anthropometric failure (CIAF) among preschool children of West Bengal, India
GC Mandal, K Bose
Tehran University of Medical Sciences Press, 2010
Socio-economic and demographic correlates of stunting among adolescents of Assam, North-east India
MS Rengma, K Bose, N Mondal
AnthropologicAl review 79 (4), 409-425, 2016
Nutritional status of Lodha children in a village of Paschim Medinipur district, West Bengal
S Bisai, K Bose, A Ghosh
Indian Journal of Public Health 52 (4), 203-206, 2008
Use of mid-upper arm circumference in determining undernutrition and illness in rural adult Oraon men of Gumla District, Jharkhand, India
R Chakraborty, K Bose, S Koziel
Rural and remote health 11 (3), 118-129, 2011
High prevalence of undernutrition among adult Kora Mudi tribals of Bankura district, West Bengal, India
K Bose, S Ganguly, H Mamtaz, A Mukhopadhyay, M Bhadra
Anthropological Science 114 (1), 65-68, 2006
Prevalence of undernutrition among pre-school children of Chapra, Nadia District, West Bengal, India, measured by composite index of anthropometric failure (CIAF)
S Biswas, K Bose, A Mukhopadhyay, M Bhadra
Anthropologischer Anzeiger, 269-279, 2009
Anthropometric characteristics and nutritional status of rural school children
K Bose, S Bisai, S Mukherjee
The Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology 2 (1), 2008
Conicity index and waist-hip ratio and their relationship with total cholesterol and blood pressure in middle-aged European and migrant Pakistani men
K Bose, CGN Mascie-Taylor
Annals of human biology 25 (1), 11-16, 1998
The effect of maternal age and parity on birth weight among Bengalees of Kolkata, India
S Bisai, A Sen, D Mahalanabis, N Datta, K Bose
Human Ecology 14, 139-143, 2006
Anthropometric assessment of nutritional status of adolescents of Kolkata, West Bengal
A Mukhopadhyay, M Bhadra, K Bose
Journal of Human Ecology 18 (3), 213-216, 2005
Overweight and obesity among affluent Bengalee schoolgirls of Lake Town, Kolkata, India
K Bose, S Bisai, A Mukhopadhyay, M Bhadra
Maternal & child nutrition 3 (2), 141-145, 2007
Undernutrition among adult Dhimals of Naxalbari, West Bengal: Comparison with other tribes of eastern India
S Datta Banik, K Bose, S Bisai, M Bhattacharya, S Das, A Jana, P Purkait
Food and Nutrition Bulletin 28 (3), 348-352, 2007
Body mass index and nutritional status of adult Savar tribals of Keonjhar District, Orissa, India
K Bose, F Chakraborty, S Bisai, A Khatun, H Bauri
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 18 (3), 3-7, 2006
Sex differences in the effect of birth order and parents’ educational status on stunting: a study on Bengalee preschool children from eastern India
S Biswas, K Bose
Homo 61 (4), 271-276, 2010
Body Mass Index and Chronic Energy Deficiency among Adult Santals of Purulia District, West Bengal, India.
S Das, K Bose
Journal of Human Sciences 7 (2), 488-503, 2010
Undernutrition in the Kora Mudi tribal population, West Bengal, India: a comparison of body mass index and mid-upper-arm circumference
S Bisai, K Bose
Food and nutrition bulletin 30 (1), 63-67, 2009
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