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Physical Review B 31 (12), 7526, 1985
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213 1984 Electronic structure of aluminium oxide as determined by X‐Ray photoemission A Balzarotti, A Bianconi
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108 1979 Growth of Ge–Si (111) epitaxial layers: intermixing, strain relaxation and island formation N Motta, A Sgarlata, R Calarco, Q Nguyen, JC Cal, F Patella, A Balzarotti, ...
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72 1985 Crystallographic structure of ternary semiconducting alloys M Podgorny, MT Czyżyk, A Balzarotti, P Letardi, N Motta, A Kisiel, ...
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66 1985 Bremsstrahlung-isochromat-spectroscopy and x-ray-photoelectron-spectroscopy investigation of the electronic structure of β-FeSi 2 and the Fe/Si (111) interface M De Crescenzi, G Gaggiotti, N Motta, F Patella, A Balzarotti, J Derrien
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