Andrew Almond
Andrew Almond
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A Almond
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 64, 1591-1596, 2007
Structural characterisation of two forms of procyclic acidic repetitive protein expressed by procyclic forms of Trypanosoma brucei
A Treumann, N Zitzmann, A Hülsmeier, AR Prescott, A Almond, ...
Journal of Molecular Biology 269 (4), 529-547, 1997
Hyaluronan: the local solution conformation determined by NMR and computer modeling is close to a contracted left-handed 4-fold helix
A Almond, PL DeAngelis, CD Blundell
Journal of molecular biology 358 (5), 1256-1269, 2006
Towards understanding the interaction between oligosaccharides and water molecules
A Almond
Carbohydrate Research 340 (5), 907-920, 2005
The link module from ovulation-and inflammation-associated protein TSG-6 changes conformation on hyaluronan binding
CD Blundell, DJ Mahoney, A Almond, PL DeAngelis, JD Kahmann, ...
Journal of biological chemistry 278 (49), 49261-49270, 2003
Predicting the molecular shape of polysaccharides from dynamic interactions with water
A Almond, JK Sheehan
Glycobiology 13 (4), 255-264, 2003
Free energy landscapes of iduronic acid and related monosaccharides
BM Sattelle, SU Hansen, J Gardiner, A Almond
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (38), 13132-13134, 2010
Expression and purification of functionally active hyaluronan-binding domains from human cartilage link protein, aggrecan and versican: formation of ternary complexes with …
NT Seyfried, GF McVey, A Almond, DJ Mahoney, J Dudhia, AJ Day
Journal of Biological Chemistry 280 (7), 5435-5448, 2005
Physical interpretation of residual dipolar couplings in neutral aligned media
A Almond, JB Axelsen
Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (34), 9986-9987, 2002
Towards a structure for a TSG-6· hyaluronan complex by modeling and NMR spectroscopy: insights into other members of the link module superfamily
CD Blundell, A Almond, DJ Mahoney, PL DeAngelis, ID Campbell, AJ Day
Journal of Biological Chemistry 280 (18), 18189-18201, 2005
Deducing polymeric structure from aqueous molecular dynamics simulations of oligosaccharides: predictions from simulations of hyaluronan tetrasaccharides compared with …
A Almond, A Brass, JK Sheehan
Journal of molecular biology 284 (5), 1425-1437, 1998
Hyaluronan: the absence of amide–carboxylate hydrogen bonds and the chain conformation in aqueous solution are incompatible with stable secondary and tertiary structure models
CD Blundell, PL Deangelis, A Almond
Biochemical Journal 396 (3), 487-498, 2006
Oligosaccharides as model systems for understanding Water− Biopolymer interaction: hydrated dynamics of a hyaluronan decamer
A Almond, A Brass, JK Sheehan
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 104 (23), 5634-5640, 2000
Dynamic exchange between stabilized conformations predicted for hyaluronan tetrasaccharides: comparison of molecular dynamics simulations with available NMR data
A Almond, A Brass, JK Sheehan
Glycobiology 8 (10), 973-980, 1998
Molecular dynamics simulations of the two disaccharides of hyaluronan in aqueous solution
A Almond, JK Sheehan, A Brass
Glycobiology 7 (5), 597-604, 1997
Glycosaminoglycan conformation: do aqueous molecular dynamics simulations agree with x-ray fiber diffraction?
A Almond, JK Sheehan
Glycobiology 10 (3), 329-338, 2000
Is N-acetyl-d-glucosamine a rigid 4C1 chair?
BM Sattelle, A Almond
Glycobiology 21 (12), 1651-1662, 2011
Does microsecond sugar ring flexing encode 3D-shape and bioactivity in the heparanome?
BM Sattelle, J Shakeri, A Almond
Biomacromolecules 14 (4), 1149-1159, 2013
Multiscale modeling of glycosaminoglycan structure and dynamics: current methods and challenges
A Almond
Current Opinion in Structural Biology 50, 58-64, 2018
A 3D-structural model of unsulfated chondroitin from high-field NMR: 4-sulfation has little effect on backbone conformation
BM Sattelle, J Shakeri, IS Roberts, A Almond
Carbohydrate research 345 (2), 291-302, 2010
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مقالات 1–20