Tommy Gärling
Tommy Gärling
Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Tracking restoration in natural and urban field settings
T Hartig, GW Evans, LD Jamner, DS Davis, T Gärling
Journal of environmental psychology 23 (2), 109-123, 2003
Environmental concern: Conceptual definitions, measurement methods, and research findings
N Fransson, T Gärling
Journal of environmental psychology 19 (4), 369-382, 1999
Quality attributes of public transport that attract car users: A research review
L Redman, M Friman, T Gärling, T Hartig
Transport policy 25, 119-127, 2013
A measure of restorative quality in environments
T Hartig, K Korpela, GW Evans, T Gärling
Scandinavian housing and planning research 14 (4), 175-194, 1997
Activity‐based approaches to travel analysis: conceptual frameworks, models, and research problems
KW Axhausen, T Gärling
Transport reviews 12 (4), 323-341, 1992
Selective attention and heart rate responses to natural and urban environments
K Laumann, T Gärling, KM Stormark
Journal of environmental psychology 23 (2), 125-134, 2003
Moderating effects of social value orientation on determinants of proenvironmental behavior intention
T Gärling, S Fujii, A Gärling, C Jakobsson
Journal of environmental psychology 23 (1), 1-9, 2003
Introduction: Habitual travel choice
T Gärling, KW Axhausen
Transportation 30, 1-11, 2003
The relationships between awareness of consequences, environmental concern, and value orientations
A Hansla, A Gamble, A Juliusson, T Gärling
Journal of environmental psychology 28 (1), 1-9, 2008
Environmental influences on psychological restoration
T Hartig, A Böök, J Garvill, T Olsson, T Gärling
Scandinavian journal of psychology 37 (4), 378-393, 1996
Rating scale measures of restorative components of environments
K Laumann, T Gärling, KM Stormark
Journal of environmental psychology 21 (1), 31-44, 2001
Psychological determinants of attitude towards and willingness to pay for green electricity
A Hansla, A Gamble, A Juliusson, T Gärling
Energy policy 36 (2), 768-774, 2008
Travel demand management targeting reduced private car use: effectiveness, public acceptability and political feasibility
T Gärling, G Schuitema
Journal of social issues 63 (1), 139-153, 2007
Happiness and satisfaction with work commute
LE Olsson, T Gärling, D Ettema, M Friman, S Fujii
Social indicators research 111, 255-263, 2013
Behaviour theory and soft transport policy measures
S Bamberg, S Fujii, M Friman, T Gärling
Transport policy 18 (1), 228-235, 2011
Out-of-home activities, daily travel, and subjective well-being
D Ettema, T Gärling, LE Olsson, M Friman
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 44 (9), 723-732, 2010
Satisfaction with travel and subjective well-being: Development and test of a measurement tool
D Ettema, T Gärling, L Eriksson, M Friman, LE Olsson, S Fujii
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 14 (3), 167-175, 2011
Determinants of private car users' acceptance of road pricing
C Jakobsson, S Fujii, T Gärling
Transport policy 7 (2), 153-158, 2000
Affect and decision making: A “hot” topic
E Peters, D Västfjäll, T Gärling, P Slovic
Journal of behavioral decision making 19 (2), 79-85, 2006
Changes in drivers’ perceptions and use of public transport during a freeway closure: Effects of temporary structural change on cooperation in a real-life social dilemma
S Fujii, T Gärling, R Kitamura
Environment and behavior 33 (6), 796-808, 2001
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مقالات 1–20