Pamela Bishop
Pamela Bishop
Researcher, National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Synthesis centers as critical research infrastructure
JS Baron, A Specht, E Garnier, P Bishop, CA Campbell, FW Davis, B Fady, ...
BioScience 67 (8), 750-759, 2017
Resistance of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa to Iprodione, Propiconazole, and Thiophanate‐Methyl in Tennessee and Northern Mississippi
P Bishop, J Sorochan, BH Ownley, TJ Samples, AS Windham, ...
Crop Science 48 (4), 1615-1620, 2008
Developing collaboration skills in team undergraduate research experiences
KK Sturner, P Bishop, SM Lenhart
Primus 27 (3), 370-388, 2017
Impacts of an interdisciplinary research center on participant publication and collaboration patterns: A case study of the national institute for mathematical and biological …
PR Bishop, SW Huck, BH Ownley, JK Richards, GJ Skolits
Research Evaluation 23 (4), 327-340, 2014
Best practices for virtual participation in meetings: Experiences from synthesis centers
SE Hampton, BS Halpern, M Winter, JK Balch, JN Parker, JS Baron, ...
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 98 (1), 57-63, 2017
Preparing the “new” Biologist of the future: student research at the interface of mathematics and biology
SI Duncan, P Bishop, S Lenhart
CBE—Life Sciences Education 9 (3), 311-315, 2010
Development of the biocalculus assessment (BCA)
RT Taylor, PR Bishop, S Lenhart, LJ Gross, K Sturner
CBE—Life Sciences Education 19 (1), ar6, 2020
Impacts of an interdisciplinary research center on participant publication and collaboration activities
PR Bishop
Recruitment and retention initiatives to increase non-traditional students' access to food agriculture natural resources and human sciences majors
S Jean-Philippe, J Richards, C Stephens, P Bishop, M York, MB Burlison, ...
NACTA Journal 65, 298-306, 2020
Turfgrass Science--Notes-Resistance of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa to Iprodione, Propiconazole, and Thiophanate-Methyl in Tennessee and Northern Mississippi
P Bishop, J Sorochan, BH Ownley, TJ Samples, AS Windham, ...
Crop Science 48 (4), 1615, 2008
Mustard Seed Meal (Brassica juncea) Biofumigation Controls Dollar Spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa) In Vitro and Has Low Phytotoxicity to Bentgrass under Field Conditions
CE Sams, JC Sorochan, PR Bishop, MR Goddard
HORTSCIENCE 45 (8), S75-S75, 2010
Whither ecological team science: Evaluating what works
LJ Gross, P Bishop, T Poppenwimer
2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3-6), 0
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