Exotic decays of the 125 GeV Higgs boson D Curtin, R Essig, S Gori, P Jaiswal, A Katz, T Liu, Z Liu, D McKeen, ...
Physical Review D 90 (7), 075004, 2014
790 2014 Explanation of the excess at the LHC by jet-veto resummation P Jaiswal, T Okui
Physical Review D 90 (7), 073009, 2014
189 2014 Excluding electroweak baryogenesis in the MSSM D Curtin, P Jaiswal, P Meade
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (8), 1-27, 2012
123 2012 Charginos hiding in plain sight D Curtin, P Jaiswal, P Meade
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 87 (3), 031701, 2013
55 2013 Resummation of jet veto logarithms at for production at the LHC S Dawson, P Jaiswal, Y Li, H Ramani, M Zeng
Physical Review D 94 (11), 114014, 2016
50 2016 Supersymmetric QCD corrections to Higgs- production: Is the approximation accurate? S Dawson, CB Jackson, P Jaiswal
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 83 (11), 115007, 2011
46 2011 Prospect for measuring the phase in the coupling at the LHC A Askew, P Jaiswal, T Okui, HB Prosper, N Sato
Physical Review D 91 (7), 075014, 2015
42 2015 Four generations, Higgs physics, and the MSSM S Dawson, P Jaiswal
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 82 (7), 073017, 2010
32 2010 Casting light on BSM physics with SM standard candles D Curtin, P Jaiswal, P Meade, PJ Tien
Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 (8), 1-23, 2013
27 2013 Higgs production amidst the LHC detector P Jaiswal, K Köpp, T Okui
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 87 (11), 115017, 2013
27 2013 Kinetically balanced Gaussian basis-set approach to relativistic Compton profiles of atoms P Jaiswal, A Shukla
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (2), 022504, 2007
26 2007 Precision diboson measurements and the interplay of and jet-veto resummations P Jaiswal, P Meade, H Ramani
Physical Review D 93 (9), 093007, 2016
21 2016 Weak corrections to associated Higgs-bottom quark production S Dawson, P Jaiswal
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 81 (7), 073008, 2010
17 2010 Reemergence of rapidity-scale uncertainty in soft-collinear effective theory P Jaiswal, T Okui
Physical Review D 92 (7), 074035, 2015
10 2015 Jet observables and stops at a 100 TeV collider JJ Fan, P Jaiswal, JSC Leung
Physical Review D 96 (3), 036017, 2017
6 2017 Higgs Physics in Supersymmetric Models P Jaiswal
State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2012
3 2012 Prospect for measuring the CP phase in the hττ coupling at the LHC (2015) A Askew, P Jaiswal, T Okui, HB Prosper, N Sato
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arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.0677, 2014
1 2014 Systems and methods for detecting proximity events
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2021 Jet-veto resummation for WW production P Jaiswal
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections …, 2015