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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Factors determining the formation of secondary inorganic aerosol: a case study in the Po Valley (Italy)
S Squizzato, M Masiol, A Brunelli, S Pistollato, E Tarabotti, G Rampazzo, ...
Atmos. Chem. Phys. 13, 1927–1939, 2013
Carcinogenic and mutagenic risk associated to airborne particle-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: a source apportionment
M Masiol, A Hofer, S Squizzato, R Piazza, G Rampazzo, B Pavoni
Atmospheric environment 60, 375-382, 2012
The association between respiratory infection and air pollution in the setting of air quality policy and economic change
DP Croft, W Zhang, S Lin, SW Thurston, PK Hopke, M Masiol, S Squizzato, ...
Annals of the American Thoracic Society 16 (3), 321-330, 2019
PM2. 5 and gaseous pollutants in New York State during 2005–2016: Spatial variability, temporal trends, and economic influences
S Squizzato, M Masiol, DQ Rich, PK Hopke
Atmospheric Environment 183, 209-224, 2018
Associations between source-specific particulate matter and respiratory infections in New York state adults
DP Croft, W Zhang, S Lin, SW Thurston, PK Hopke, E Van Wijngaarden, ...
Environmental science & technology 54 (2), 975-984, 2019
A procedure to assess local and long-range transport contributions to PM2. 5 and secondary inorganic aerosol
S Squizzato, M Masiol, E Innocente, E Pecorari, G Rampazzo, B Pavoni
Journal of Aerosol Science 46, 64-76, 2012
Rapid dark aging of biomass burning as an overlooked source of oxidized organic aerosol
JK Kodros, DK Papanastasiou, M Paglione, M Masiol, S Squizzato, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (52), 33028-33033, 2020
Influence of seasonality, air mass origin and particulate matter chemical composition on airborne bacterial community structure in the Po Valley, Italy
E Innocente, S Squizzato, F Visin, C Facca, G Rampazzo, V Bertolini, ...
Science of the Total Environment 593, 677-687, 2017
Triggering of cardiovascular hospital admissions by fine particle concentrations in New York state: before, during, and after implementation of multiple environmental policies …
W Zhang, S Lin, PK Hopke, SW Thurston, E van Wijngaarden, D Croft, ...
Environmental pollution 242, 1404-1416, 2018
Urban air quality in a mid-size city — PM2.5 composition, sources and identification of impact areas: From local to long range contributions
S Squizzato, M Cazzaro, E Innocente, F Visin, PK Hopke, G Rampazzo
Atmospheric Research 186, 51-62, 2017
Triggering of cardiovascular hospital admissions by source specific fine particle concentrations in urban centers of New York State
DQ Rich, W Zhang, S Lin, S Squizzato, SW Thurston, E van Wijngaarden, ...
Environment international 126, 387-394, 2019
Changes in the acute response of respiratory diseases to PM2. 5 in New York State from 2005 to 2016
PK Hopke, D Croft, W Zhang, S Lin, M Masiol, S Squizzato, SW Thurston, ...
Science of the Total Environment 677, 328-339, 2019
A long-term source apportionment of PM2. 5 in New York State during 2005–2016
S Squizzato, M Masiol, DQ Rich, PK Hopke
Atmospheric Environment 192, 35-47, 2018
Application of meteorology-based methods to determine local and external contributions to particulate matter pollution: A case study in Venice (Italy)
S Squizzato, M Masiol
Atmospheric Environment 119, 69-81, 2015
Factors, origin and sources affecting PM1 concentrations and composition at an urban background site
S Squizzato, M Masiol, C Agostini, F Visin, G Formenton, RM Harrison, ...
Atmospheric Research 180, 262-273, 2016
Characterization of PM10 sources in a coastal area near Venice (Italy): an application of factor-cluster analysis
M Masiol, G Rampazzo, D Ceccato, S Squizzato, B Pavoni
Chemosphere 80 (7), 771-778, 2010
A one-year monitoring of spatiotemporal variations of PM2. 5-bound PAHs in Tehran, Iran: source apportionment, local and regional sources origins and source-specific cancer …
MS Ali-Taleshi, M Moeinaddini, AR Bakhtiari, S Feiznia, S Squizzato, ...
Environmental Pollution 274, 115883, 2021
Air quality across a European hotspot: Spatial gradients, seasonality, diurnal cycles and trends in the Veneto region, NE Italy
M Masiol, S Squizzato, G Formenton, RM Harrison, C Agostinelli
Science of The Total Environment 576, 210-224, 2017
Source apportionment of PM2. 5 at multiple sites in Venice (Italy): Spatial variability and the role of weather
M Masiol, S Squizzato, G Rampazzo, B Pavoni
Atmospheric Environment 98, 78-88, 2014
Hybrid multiple-site mass closure and source apportionment of PM2. 5 and aerosol acidity at major cities in the Po Valley
M Masiol, S Squizzato, G Formenton, MB Khan, PK Hopke, A Nenes, ...
Science of the Total Environment 704, 135287, 2020
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مقالات 1–20