Lars Buur
Lars Buur
Roskilde University, Professor in the political economy of development
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The politics of African industrial policy: A comparative perspective
L Whitfield, O Therkildsen, L Buur, AM Kjær
Cambridge University Press, 2015
Introduction: vigilantism and the policing of everyday life in South Africa
L Buur, S Jensen
African studies 63 (2), 139-152, 2004
Studying political settlements in Africa
P Behuria, L Buur, H Gray
African affairs 116 (464), 508-525, 2017
Contested sources of authority: re‐claiming state sovereignty by formalizing traditional authority in Mozambique
L Buur, HM Kyed
Development and change 37 (4), 847-869, 2006
The politics of industrial policy: ruling elites and their alliances
L Whitfield, L Buur
New Actors and Alliances in Development, 126-144, 2016
The security-development nexus: Expressions of sovereignty and securitization in Southern Africa
L Buur, S Jensen, F Stepputat
Nordiska Afrikainstitutet; HSRC Press, 2007
Reordering society: vigilantism and expressions of sovereignty in Port Elizabeth's townships
L Buur
Development and change 37 (4), 735-757, 2006
State Recognition and Democratization in Sub-Saharan Africa: a new dawn for traditional authorities?
L Buur, H Kyed
Springer, 2007
State recognition of traditional authority in Mozambique: the nexus of community representation and state assistance
L Buur, HM Kyed
Nordic Africa Institute, 2005
Power, conflict and natural resources: The Mozambican crisis revisited
JJ Macuane, L Buur, CM Monjane
African Affairs 117 (468), 415-438, 2018
The economics and politics of local content in African extractives: lessons from Tanzania, Uganda and Mozambique
MW Hansen, L Buur, A Mette Kjær, O Therkildsen
Forum for Development Studies 43 (2), 201-228, 2016
New sites of citizenship: recognition of traditional authority and group-based citizenship in Mozambique
HM Kyed, L Buur
Journal of Southern African Studies 32 (3), 563-581, 2006
Introduction: Traditional authority and democratization in Africa
HM Kyed, L Buur
State Recognition and Democratization in Sub-Saharan Africa: A New Dawn for …, 2007
The sovereign outsourced: local justice and violence in Port Elizabeth
L Buur
Sovereign bodies: Citizens, migrants and states in the postcolonial world …, 2005
The security-development nexus
L Buur, S Jensen, F Stepputat
The Security—Development Nexus: Expressions of Sovereignty and Security in …, 2007
Democracy & its discontents: Vigilantism, sovereignty & human rights in South Africa
L Buur
Review of African Political Economy 35 (118), 571-584, 2008
An uneasy marriage: non-state actors and police reform
P Albrecht, L Buur
Policing & Society 19 (4), 390-405, 2009
The presource curse in Africa: Economic and political effects of anticipating natural resource revenues
JG Frynas, L Buur
The Extractive Industries and Society 7 (4), 1257-1270, 2020
Monumental historical memory: Managing truth in the everyday work of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission
L Buur
Commissioning the Past: Understanding South Africa’s Truth and …, 2002
The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission: a technique of nation-state formation
L Buur
States of imagination: ethnographic explorations of the postcolonial state …, 2001
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مقالات 1–20