Kazuhiro Takanabe
Kazuhiro Takanabe
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A metal-free polymeric photocatalyst for hydrogen production from water under visible light
X Wang, K Maeda, A Thomas, K Takanabe, G Xin, JM Carlsson, K Domen, ...
Nature Materials 8 (1), 76-80, 2009
Insight on Tafel slopes from a microkinetic analysis of aqueous electrocatalysis for energy conversion.
T Shinagawa, AT Garcia-Esparza, K Takanabe
Scientific reports 5, 13801-13801, 2015
Polymer semiconductors for artificial photosynthesis: hydrogen evolution by mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride with visible light
X Wang, K Maeda, X Chen, K Takanabe, K Domen, Y Hou, X Fu, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (5), 1680-1681, 2009
Synthesis of a Carbon Nitride Structure for Visible‐Light Catalysis by Copolymerization
J Zhang, X Chen, K Takanabe, K Maeda, K Domen, JD Epping, X Fu, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 49 (2), 441-444, 2010
Accelerating materials development for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production: Standards for methods, definitions, and reporting protocols
Z Chen, TF Jaramillo, TG Deutsch, A Kleiman-Shwarsctein, AJ Forman, ...
Journal of Materials Research 25 (01), 3-16, 2010
Photocatalytic Water Splitting: Quantitative Approaches toward Photocatalyst by Design
K Takanabe
ACS Catalysis 7 (11), 8006-8022, 2017
A Highly Selective Copper–Indium Bimetallic Electrocatalyst for the Electrochemical Reduction of Aqueous CO2 to CO
S Rasul, DH Anjum, A Jedidi, Y Minenkov, L Cavallo, K Takanabe
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (7), 2146-2150, 2015
Chemisorption of CO and mechanism of CO oxidation on supported platinum nanoclusters
AD Allian, K Takanabe, KL Fujdala, X Hao, TJ Truex, J Cai, C Buda, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (12), 4498-4517, 2011
Titania-supported cobalt and nickel bimetallic catalysts for carbon dioxide reforming of methane
K Takanabe, K Nagaoka, K Nariai, K Aika
Journal of Catalysis 232 (2), 268-275, 2005
Ordered mesoporous SBA-15 type graphitic carbon nitride: A semiconductor host structure for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution with visible light
X Chen, YS Jun, K Takanabe, K Maeda, K Domen, X Fu, M Antonietti, ...
Chemistry of Materials 21 (18), 4093-4095, 2009
Cu–Sn Bimetallic Catalyst for Selective Aqueous Electroreduction of CO2 to CO
S Sarfraz, AT Garcia-Esparza, A Jedidi, L Cavallo, K Takanabe
ACS Catalysis 6 (5), 2842-2851, 2016
Vertically Aligned Ta3N5 Nanorod Arrays for Solar‐Driven Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting
Y Li, T Takata, D Cha, K Takanabe, T Minegishi, J Kubota, K Domen
Advanced Materials 25 (1), 125-131, 2013
Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution on dye-sensitized mesoporous carbon nitride photocatalyst with magnesium phthalocyanine
K Takanabe, K Kamata, X Wang, M Antonietti, J Kubota, K Domen
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 (40), 13020-13025, 2010
Harvesting Solar Light with Crystalline Carbon Nitrides for Efficient Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution
MK Bhunia, K Yamauchi, K Takanabe
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (41), 11001-11005, 2014
Cobalt phosphate-modified barium-doped tantalum nitride nanorod photoanode with 1.5% solar energy conversion efficiency
Y Li, L Zhang, A Torres-Pardo, JM González-Calbet, Y Ma, P Oleynikov, ...
Nature communications 4, 2566, 2013
Sustainable hydrogen from bio-oil—Steam reforming of acetic acid as a model oxygenate
K Takanabe, K Aika, K Seshan, L Lefferts
Journal of catalysis 227 (1), 101-108, 2004
Insights on measuring and reporting heterogeneous photocatalysis: efficiency definitions and setup examples
M Qureshi, K Takanabe
Chemistry of Materials 29 (1), 158-167, 2017
Photocatalytic water-splitting reaction from catalytic and kinetic perspectives
T Hisatomi, K Takanabe, K Domen
Catalysis Letters 145 (1), 95-108, 2015
Role and function of noble-metal/Cr-layer core/shell structure cocatalysts for photocatalytic overall water splitting studied by model electrodes
M Yoshida, K Takanabe, K Maeda, A Ishikawa, J Kubota, Y Sakata, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (23), 10151-10157, 2009
Simultaneous Reduction of CO2 and Splitting of H2O by a Single Immobilized Cobalt Phthalocyanine Electrocatalyst
N Morlanes, K Takanabe, VO Rodionov
ACS Catalysis 6 (5), 3092-3095, 2016
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مقالات 1–20