Jasvir Nagra
Jasvir Nagra
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Surreptitious software: obfuscation, watermarking, and tamperproofing for software protection
J Nagra, C Collberg
Pearson Education, 2009
A system for graph-based visualization of the evolution of software
C Collberg, S Kobourov, J Nagra, J Pitts, K Wampler
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM symposium on Software visualization, 77-ff, 2003
Automated analysis of security-critical javascript apis
A Taly, Ú Erlingsson, JC Mitchell, MS Miller, J Nagra
2011 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 363-378, 2011
Threading software watermarks
J Nagra, C Thomborson
International Workshop on Information Hiding, 208-223, 2004
Distributed application tamper detection via continuous software updates
C Collberg, S Martin, J Myers, J Nagra
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference …, 2012
The effectiveness of source code obfuscation: An experimental assessment
M Ceccato, M Di Penta, J Nagra, P Falcarin, F Ricca, M Torchiano, ...
2009 IEEE 17th International Conference on Program Comprehension, 178-187, 2009
A functional taxonomy for software watermarking
J Nagra, C Thomborson, C Collberg
ACSC 4, 177-186, 2002
Tamper-proofing software watermarks
C Thomborson, J Nagra, R Somaraju, C He
Proceedings of the second workshop on Australasian information security …, 2004
Towards experimental evaluation of code obfuscation techniques
M Ceccato, M Di Penta, J Nagra, P Falcarin, F Ricca, M Torchiano, ...
Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on Quality of Protection, 39-46, 2008
Barrier slicing for remote software trusting
M Ceccato, M Dalla Preda, J Nagra, C Collberg, P Tonella
Seventh IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and …, 2007
Trading-off security and performance in barrier slicing for remote software entrusting
M Ceccato, MD Preda, J Nagra, C Collberg, P Tonella
Automated Software Engineering 16, 235-261, 2009
Software watermarking: Protective terminology
J Nagra, C Thomborson, C Collberg
Proceedings of the ACSC 2002, 2002
Surreptitious Software: Obfuscation
C Collberg, J Nagra
Watermarking, and Tamperproofing for Software Protection 948, 2009
Method of introducing digital signature into software
C Thomborson, J Nagra
US Patent App. 11/132,389, 2005
Sandmark algorithms
C Collberg, M Miklofsky, G Myles, A Purushotham, RP Rajendran, ...
Sandmark documentation, University of Arizona, 2002
Surreptitious software: Models from biology and history
C Collberg, J Nagra, FY Wang
International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures …, 2007
bianlian: Remote Tamper-Resistance with Continuous Replacement
C Collberg, J Nagra, W Snavely
Technical Report TR08-03, Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona, 2008
Towards a formal model for software tamper resistance
C Basile, S Di Carlo, T Herlea, V Business, J Nagra, B Wyseur
Second International Workshop on Remote Entrusting (ReTtust 2009) 16, 2009
Remote Tamper Detection
C Collberg, S Martin, J Myers, J Nagra
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGPLAN Software Security and Protection Workshop, 2011
Collusive Attacks Against Software Watermarks
J Nagra
TENCON 2006-2006 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-4, 2006
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مقالات 1–20