Thrassyvoulos Manios
Thrassyvoulos Manios
Professor, Hellenic Mediterranean University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Quality assessment of composts in the Greek market: The need for standards and quality assurance
K Lasaridi, I Protopapa, M Kotsou, G Pilidis, T Manios, A Kyriacou
Journal of Environmental Management 80 (1), 58-65, 2006
Co-digestion of sewage sludge with glycerol to boost biogas production
MS Fountoulakis, I Petousi, T Manios
Waste management 30 (10), 1849-1853, 2010
The effect of heavy metals accumulation on the chlorophyll concentration of Typha latifolia plants, growing in a substrate containing sewage sludge compost and watered with …
T Manios, EI Stentiford, PA Millner
Ecological Engineering 20 (1), 65-74, 2003
The composting potential of different organic solid wastes: experience from the island of Crete
T Manios
Environment international 29 (8), 1079-1089, 2004
Ultrasound-induced inactivation of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria in secondary treated municipal wastewater
S Drakopoulou, S Terzakis, MS Fountoulakis, D Mantzavinos, T Manios
Ultrasonics sonochemistry 16 (5), 629-634, 2009
Enhanced methane and hydrogen production from municipal solid waste and agro-industrial by-products co-digested with crude glycerol
MS Fountoulakis, T Manios
Bioresource technology 100 (12), 3043-3047, 2009
Single house on-site grey water treatment using a submerged membrane bioreactor for toilet flushing
MS Fountoulakis, N Markakis, I Petousi, T Manios
Science of the total environment 551, 706-711, 2016
Treatment of olive mill effluents by coagulation–flocculation–hydrogen peroxide oxidation and effect on phytotoxicity
A Ginos, T Manios, D Mantzavinos
Journal of hazardous materials 133 (1-3), 135-142, 2006
A new process for the management of olive oil mill waste water and recovery of natural antioxidants
A Agalias, P Magiatis, AL Skaltsounis, E Mikros, A Tsarbopoulos, E Gikas, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55 (7), 2671-2676, 2007
Constructed wetlands treating highway runoff in the central Mediterranean region
S Terzakis, MS Fountoulakis, I Georgaki, D Albantakis, I Sabathianakis, ...
Chemosphere 72 (2), 141-149, 2008
Potential for methane production from typical Mediterranean agro-industrial by-products
MS Fountoulakis, S Drakopoulou, S Terzakis, E Georgaki, T Manios
Biomass and bioenergy 32 (2), 155-161, 2008
Bioactive compounds in food waste: A review on the transformation of food waste to animal feed
A Georganas, E Giamouri, AC Pappas, G Papadomichelakis, F Galliou, ...
Foods 9 (3), 291, 2020
Improving biogas production from anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge with a thermal dried mixture of food waste, cheese whey and olive mill wastewater
AE Maragkaki, I Vasileiadis, M Fountoulakis, A Kyriakou, K Lasaridi, ...
Waste management 71, 644-651, 2018
Pilot-scale anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge with agro-industrial by-products for increased biogas production of existing digesters at wastewater treatment plants
AE Maragkaki, M Fountoulakis, A Gypakis, A Kyriakou, K Lasaridi, ...
Waste management 59, 362-370, 2017
Application of integrated methods in mapping waste disposal areas
P Soupios, N Papadopoulos, I Papadopoulos, M Kouli, F Vallianatos, ...
Environmental Geology 53, 661-675, 2007
Removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and linear alkylbenzene sulfonates from domestic wastewater in pilot constructed wetlands and a gravel filter
MS Fountoulakis, S Terzakis, N Kalogerakis, T Manios
Ecological engineering 35 (12), 1702-1709, 2009
Removal of heavy metals from a metaliferous water solution by Typha latifolia plants and sewage sludge compost
T Manios, EI Stentiford, P Millner
Chemosphere 53 (5), 487-494, 2003
Pilot-scale comparison of constructed wetlands operated under high hydraulic loading rates and attached biofilm reactors for domestic wastewater treatment
MS Fountoulakis, S Terzakis, A Chatzinotas, H Brix, N Kalogerakis, ...
Science of the Total Environment 407 (8), 2996-3003, 2009
Evaluating the use of electrical resistivity imaging technique for improving CH4 and CO2 emission rate estimations in landfills
I Georgaki, P Soupios, N Sakkas, F Ververidis, E Trantas, F Vallianatos, ...
Science of the total environment 389 (2-3), 522-531, 2008
Microbial characterization during composting of biowaste
C Chroni, A Kyriacou, I Georgaki, T Manios, M Kotsou, K Lasaridi
Waste management 29 (5), 1520-1525, 2009
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مقالات 1–20