William A. Smith
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Critical race theory, racial microaggressions, and campus racial climate for Latina/o undergraduates
T Yosso, WA Smith, M Ceja, D Solórzano
Harvard Educational Review 79 (4), 659-691, 2009
“Assume the position... you fit the description” psychosocial experiences and racial battle fatigue among African American male college students
WA Smith, WR Allen, LL Danley
American Behavioral Scientist 51 (4), 551-578, 2007
Racial battle fatigue and the miseducation of Black men: Racial microaggressions, societal problems, and environmental stress
WA Smith, M Hung, JD Franklin
Journal of Negro Education 80 (1), 63-82, 2011
Black faculty coping with racial battle fatigue: The campus racial climate in a post-civil rights era
WA Smith
A long way to go: Conversations about race by African American faculty and …, 2004
Challenging Racial Battle Fatigue on Historically White Campuses: A Critical Race Examination of Race-related Stress.
WA Smith, TJ Yosso, DG Solórzano
Faculty of Color: Teaching in Predominantly White Colleges and Universities …, 2006
Racial primes and Black misandry on historically White campuses: Toward critical race accountability in educational administration
WA Smith, TJ Yosso, DG Solórzano
Educational Administration Quarterly 43 (5), 559-585, 2007
‘You Make Me Wanna Holler and Throw Up Both My Hands!’: Campus Culture, Black Misandric Microaggressions, and Racial Battle Fatigue.
WA Smith, JB Mustaffa, C Jones, TJ Curry, WR Allen
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 29 (9), 1189-1209, 2016
Exploring student achievement gaps in school districts across the United States
M Hung, WA Smith, MW Voss, JD Franklin, Y Gu, J Bounsanga
Education and Urban Society 52 (2), 175-193, 2020
Trapped between justified anger and being the strong Black woman: Black college women coping with racial battle fatigue at historically and predominantly White institutions
N Corbin, WA Smith, JR Garcia
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 31 (7), 626-643, 2018
The racial crisis in American higher education
K Lomotey, WA Smith
State University of New York Press, 2023
Racial Battle Fatigue for Latina/o Students: A Quantitative Perspective
M Franklin, J, D., Smith, W. A., Hung
Journal of Hispanics in Higher Education 13 (4), 303-322, 2014
The Racial Crisis in American Higher Education: Continuing Challenges for the Twenty-first Century
WA Smith, PG Altbach, K Lomotey
SUNY Press, 2002
Into the Storm: Ecological and sociological impediments to Black males’ persistence in engineering graduate programs
B Burt, K Williams, WA Smith
American Educational Research Journal, 2018
Higher Education: Racial Battle Fatigue
WA Smith
Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society, 615-618, 2008
Foreword to Racial battle fatigue in higher education: Exposing the myth of post-racial America
WA Smith
Racial battle fatigue in higher education: Exposing the myth of post-racial …, 2014
Campuswide climate: Implications for African American students
WA Smith
The SAGE handbook of African American education, 297-309, 2009
Toward an understanding of misandric microaggressions and racial battle fatigue among African Americans in historically White institutions
WA Smith
The state of the African American male, 265-277, 2010
Racial ideology in the campus community: Emerging cross-ethnic differences and challenges
PJ Bowman, WA Smith
The racial crisis in American higher education: Continuing challenges to the …, 2002
Foreword to Racial battle fatigue in faculty: Perspectives and lessons from higher education
WA Smith
Racial battle fatigue in faculty: Perspectives and lessons from higher education, 2019
Between hope and racial battle fatigue: African American men and race-related stress
WA Smith, M Hung, JD Franklin
Journal of Black Masculinity 2 (1), 35-58, 2012
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مقالات 1–20