Michael Weeks
Michael Weeks
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Wireless sensor networks for condition monitoring in the railway industry: A survey
VJ Hodge, S O'Keefe, M Weeks, A Moulds
IEEE Transactions on intelligent transportation systems 16 (3), 1088-1106, 2014
A data repository and analysis framework for spontaneous neural activity recordings in developing retina
SJ Eglen, M Weeks, M Jessop, J Simonotto, T Jackson, E Sernagor
Gigascience 3 (1), 2047-217X-3-3, 2014
Hardware implementation of similarity functions.
M Freeman, M Weeks, J Austin
IADIS AC, 329-332, 2005
The CARMEN software as a service infrastructure
M Weeks, M Jessop, M Fletcher, V Hodge, T Jackson, J Austin
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2013
CARMEN: code analysis, repository and modeling for e-neuroscience
J Austin, T Jackson, M Fletcher, M Jessop, B Liang, M Weeks, L Smith, ...
Procedia Computer Science 4, 768-777, 2011
Designing an SLA protocol with renegotiation to maximize revenues for the CMAC platform
A Galati, K Djemame, M Fletcher, M Jessop, M Weeks, S Hickinbotham, ...
Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2011 and 2012 Workshops: Combined …, 2013
CARMEN: a practical approach to metadata management
M Jessop, M Weeks, J Austin
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2010
Improved AURA k-nearest neighbour approach
M Weeks, V Hodge, S O’Keefe, J Austin, K Lees
International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 663-670, 2003
A hardware-accelerated novel IR system
M Weeks, VJ Hodge, J Austin
Proceedings 10th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel, Distributed and Network …, 2002
AICP: AURA intelligent coprocessor for binary neural networks
M Freeman, M Weeks, J Austin
IP-SOC 2004 IP Based SOC Design Forum & Exhibition, 2004
INCF Program on Standards for data sharing: new perspectives on workflows and data management for the analysis of electrophysiological data
R Badia, A Davison, M Denker, A Giesler, S Gosh, C Goble, J Grewe, ...
Techn. Report https://www. incf. org/about-us/history/incf-scientific-workshops, 2015
Developing hardware-based applications using PRESENCE-2
M Weeks, M Freeman, A Moulds, J Austin
Perspectives in pervasive computing, 107-114, 2005
A WS-agreement based SLA implementation for the CMAC platform
A Galati, K Djemame, M Fletcher, M Jessop, M Weeks, J McAvoy
Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services: 11th International …, 2014
Mapping correlation matrix memory applications onto a Beowulf cluster
M Weeks, J Austin, A Moulds, A Turner, Z Ulanowski, J Young
Artificial Neural Networks—ICANN 2001: International Conference Vienna …, 2001
Online advanced uncertain reasoning architecture with binomial event discriminator system for novelty detection in smart water networks
SR Mounce, A Fargus, M Weeks, J Young, D Ejimbe, E Goya, T Holburn, ...
Proceedings of computing and control for the water industry (CCWI2017 …, 2017
Supporting Material for “A data repository and analysis framework for spontaneous neural activity recordings in developing retina”
SJ Eglen, M Weeks, M Jessop, J Simonotto, T Jackson, E Sernagor
Gigascience Database, 2014
The ALife Zoo: cross-browser, platform-agnostic hosting of Artificial Life simulations.
SJ Hickinbotham, M Weeks, J Austin
ECAL, 71-78, 2013
Improved multimedia server I/O subsystems
M Weeks, H Batatia, R Sotudeh
Proceedings. 24th EUROMICRO Conference (Cat. No. 98EX204) 2, 514-519, 1998
A digital repository and execution platform for interactive scholarly publications in neuroscience
V Hodge, M Jessop, M Fletcher, M Weeks, A Turner, T Jackson, C Ingram, ...
Neuroinformatics 14, 23-40, 2016
Continuous discrete-event simulation of a continuous-media server I/O subsystem
M Weeks, C Bailey, R Sotudeh
Proceedings of the 26th Euromicro Conference. EUROMICRO 2000. Informatics …, 2000
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20