Kenneth G Brown
Kenneth G Brown
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
E‐learning: emerging uses, empirical results and future directions
ET Welsh, CR Wanberg, KG Brown, MJ Simmering
international Journal of Training and Development 7 (4), 245-258, 2003
Unfreezing change as three steps: Rethinking Kurt Lewin’s legacy for change management
S Cummings, T Bridgman, KG Brown
Human relations 69 (1), 33-60, 2016
Effects of training goals and goal orientation traits on multidimensional training outcomes and performance adaptability
SWJ Kozlowski, SM Gully, KG Brown, E Salas, EM Smith, ER Nason
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 85 (1), 1-31, 2001
HR professionals' beliefs about effective human resource practices: Correspondence between research and practice
SL Rynes, AE Colbert, KG Brown
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2002
The very separate worlds of academic and practitioner periodicals in human resource management: Implications for evidence-based management
SL Rynes, TL Giluk, KG Brown
Academy of management journal 50 (5), 987-1008, 2007
Reaping the benefits of task conflict in teams: the critical role of team psychological safety climate.
BH Bradley, BE Postlethwaite, AC Klotz, MR Hamdani, KG Brown
Journal of applied psychology 97 (1), 151, 2012
Self-assessment of knowledge: A cognitive learning or affective measure?
T Sitzmann, K Ely, KG Brown, KN Bauer
Academy of Management Learning & Education 9 (2), 169-191, 2010
Using computers to deliver training: Which employees learn and why?
KG Brown
Personnel psychology 54 (2), 271-296, 2001
Human resource management
GL Stewart, KG Brown
John Wiley & Sons, 2019
A review and meta-analysis of the nomological network of trainee reactions.
T Sitzmann, KG Brown, WJ Casper, K Ely, RD Zimmerman
Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (2), 280, 2008
Applying self-determination theory to organizational research
KM Sheldon, DB Turban, KG Brown, MR Barrick, TA Judge
Research in personnel and human resources management, 357-393, 2003
A multilevel approach to training effectiveness: Enhancing horizontal and vertical transfer.
SWJ Kozlowski, KG Brown, DA Weissbein, JA Cannon-Bowers, E Salas
Jossey-Bass/Wiley, 2000
Ready to rumble: How team personality composition and task conflict interact to improve performance.
BH Bradley, AC Klotz, BE Postlethwaite, KG Brown
Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (2), 385, 2013
Seven common misconceptions about human resource practices: Research findings versus practitioner beliefs
SL Rynes, KG Brown, AE Colbert
Academy of Management Perspectives 16 (3), 92-103, 2002
An examination of the structure and nomological network of trainee reactions: a closer look at" smile sheets".
KG Brown
Journal of Applied Psychology 90 (5), 991, 2005
Developing adaptability: A theory for the design of integrated-embedded training systems
SWJ Kozlowski, RJ Toney, ME Mullins, DA Weissbein, KG Brown, BS Bell
Advances in human performance and cognitive engineering research, 59-123, 2001
The virtual team: A case study and inductive model
AL Kristof, KG Brown, HP Sims, KA Smith
Advances in interdisciplinary studies of work teams: Knowledge work in teams …, 1995
Training and employee development for improved performance.
KG Brown, T Sitzmann
American Psychological Association, 2011
Using computer technology in training: Building an infrastructure for active learning
KG Brown, JK Ford
Creating, implementing, and managing effective training and development, 192-233, 2002
Formative evaluation: An integrative practice model and case study
KG Brown, MW Gerhardt
Personnel Psychology 55 (4), 951-983, 2002
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مقالات 1–20