Proton-deuteron elastic scattering from 2.5 to 22.7 MeV EO Alt, AM Mukhamedzhanov, MM Nishonov, AI Sattarov Physical Review C 65 (6), 064613, 2002 | 71 | 2002 |
Calculation of the nuclear vertex constant (asymptotic normalization coefficient) for the virtual decay 6Li → α + d on the basis of the three-body model and application of the result in describing the astrophysical … LD Blokhintsev, SB Igamov, MM Nishonov, R Yarmukhamedov Physics of Atomic Nuclei 69, 433-444, 2006 | 15 | 2006 |
Characteristic temperatures of a triplon system of dimerized quantum magnets A Rakhimov, M Nishonov, L Rani, B Tanatar International Journal of Modern Physics B 35 (02), 2150018, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Joule-Thomson temperature of a triplon system of dimerized quantum magnets A Rakhimov, M Nishonov, B Tanatar Physics Letters A 384 (16), 126313, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Some remarks on Ernst-Shakin-Thaler separable representation method MM Nishonov Uzbekiston Fizika Zhurnali 4 (1), 8-11, 2002 | 2 | 2002 |
On the anomalous density of a dilute homogeneous Bose gas A Rakhimov, M Nishonov Physics Letters A 531, 130164, 2025 | | 2025 |
The separable expansion of the nucleon-nucleus potential by Ernst-Shakin-Thaler method OA BOZAROV, MM NISHONOV Uzbekiston Fizika Zhurnali 17 (4), 200-203, 2015 | | 2015 |
Binding energy of the {sup 6} He halo nucleus ground state in the cluster model; Ehnergiya svyazi osnovnogo sostoyaniya galo yadra {sup 6} He v ramkakh klasternoj modeli A Yakhshilikov, M Nishonov Uzbekiston Fizika Zhurnali 16, 2014 | | 2014 |
Coulomb interaction between protons and the vertex function of diagramms for the decay {sup 3} He (ppn); Kulonovskoe vzaimodejstvie mezhdu protonami i vershinnaya funktsiya … A YAKHSHILIKOV, M NISHONOV Uzbekiston Fizika Zhurnali 16, 2014 | | 2014 |
Separable potentials for bound state calculations O Bozarov, A Tursunov, M Nishonov Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Radiation Problems of ANAS, 2014 | | 2014 |
Three-body ({sup 4} He+ n+ n) description of halo nucleus {sup 6} He in the framework of Faddeev equations M Nishonov, R Yarmukhamedov, I Boztosun | | 2012 |
Three-body (4 He+ n+ n) description of halo nucleus 6 He in the framework of Faddeev equations M Nishonov, R Yarmukhamedov, I Boztosun | | 2012 |
The nuclear vertex constant for virtual decay of d {yields} n+ p; Yadernaya vershinnaya konstanta dlya virtual'nogo raspada d {yields} n+ p B Kayumov, M Nishonov | | 2010 |
The nuclear vertex constant for virtual decay of d→ n+ p B Kayumov, M Nishonov | | 2010 |
The separabilization of local {sup 4} He N-potential; Separabelizatsiya lokal'nogo {sup 4} He N-potentsiala MM Nishonov, KE Eshquvatov | | 2010 |
The separabilization of realistic NN-Reid potential; Separabelizatsiya realisticheskogo NN-potentsiala Rejda SA Turakulov, MM Nishonov | | 2010 |
The separabilization of realistic NN-Reid potential SA Turakulov, MM Nishonov | | 2010 |
The separabilization of local 4 He N-potential MM Nishonov, KE Eshquvatov | | 2010 |
Binding Energies And Vertex Functions For The Virtual Decays {sup 6} He {yields}{alpha}+ n+ n And {sup 6} Li {yields}{alpha}+ n+ p I Boztosun, H Eshquvatov, M Nishonov, R Yarmukhamedov | | 2009 |
Binding Energies And Vertex Functions For The Virtual Decays 6 He→ α+ n+ n And 6 Li→ α+ n+ p I Boztosun, H Eshquvatov, M Nishonov, R Yarmukhamedov | | 2009 |