Christopher Kahler
Christopher Kahler
Brown University School of Public Health
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Evaluation of a behavioral measure of risk taking: the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART).
CW Lejuez, JP Read, CW Kahler, JB Richards, SE Ramsey, GL Stuart, ...
Journal of experimental psychology: Applied 8 (2), 75, 2002
Toward efficient and comprehensive measurement of the alcohol problems continuum in college students: The Brief Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire
CW Kahler, DR Strong, JP Read
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 29 (7), 1180-1189, 2005
Distress tolerance and duration of past smoking cessation attempts.
RA Brown, CW Lejuez, CW Kahler, DR Strong
Journal of abnormal psychology 111 (1), 180, 2002
Development and preliminary validation of the young adult alcohol consequences questionnaire.
JP Read, CW Kahler, DR Strong, CR Colder
Journal of studies on alcohol 67 (1), 169-177, 2006
The balloon analogue risk task (BART) differentiates smokers and nonsmokers.
CW Lejuez, WM Aklin, HA Jones, JB Richards, DR Strong, CW Kahler, ...
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 11 (1), 26, 2003
Self-efficacy and smoking cessation: a meta-analysis.
CJ Gwaltney, J Metrik, CW Kahler, S Shiffman
Psychology of addictive behaviors 23 (1), 56, 2009
Examining the role of drinking motives in college student alcohol use and problems.
JP Read, MD Wood, CW Kahler, JE Maddock, TP Palfai
Psychology of addictive behaviors 17 (1), 13, 2003
Affiliation with Alcoholics Anonymous after treatment: a study of its therapeutic effects and mechanisms of action.
J Morgenstern, E Labouvie, BS McCrady, CW Kahler, RM Frey
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 65 (5), 768, 1997
Distress tolerance and early smoking lapse
RA Brown, CW Lejuez, CW Kahler, DR Strong, MJ Zvolensky
Clinical psychology review 25 (6), 713-733, 2005
Evaluation of behavioral measures of risk taking propensity with inner city adolescents
WM Aklin, CW Lejuez, MJ Zvolensky, CW Kahler, M Gwadz
Behaviour research and therapy 43 (2), 215-228, 2005
A modified computer version of the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task (PASAT) as a laboratory-based stressor.
CW Lejuez, CW Kahler, RA Brown
The Behavior Therapist, 2003
Distress tolerance as a predictor of early treatment dropout in a residential substance abuse treatment facility.
SB Daughters, CW Lejuez, MA Bornovalova, CW Kahler, DR Strong, ...
Journal of abnormal psychology 114 (4), 729, 2005
Substance use and posttraumatic stress disorders: Symptom interplay and effects on outcome
JP Read, PJ Brown, CW Kahler
Addictive behaviors 29 (8), 1665-1672, 2004
Changes in sensation seeking and risk‐taking propensity predict increases in alcohol use among early adolescents
L MacPherson, JF Magidson, EK Reynolds, CW Kahler, CW Lejuez
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 34 (8), 1400-1408, 2010
Reliability and validity of the youth version of the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART–Y) in the assessment of risk-taking behavior among inner-city adolescents
CW Lejuez, W Aklin, S Daughters, M Zvolensky, C Kahler, M Gwadz
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 36 (1), 106-111, 2007
Treatment of co-occurring substance abuse and suicidality among adolescents: a randomized trial.
C Esposito-Smythers, A Spirito, CW Kahler, J Hunt, P Monti
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 79 (6), 728, 2011
Natural course of alcohol use disorders from adolescence to young adulthood
P Rohde, PM Lewinsohn, CW Kahler, JR Seeley, RA Brown
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 40 (1), 83-90, 2001
Randomized controlled trial of behavioral activation smoking cessation treatment for smokers with elevated depressive symptoms.
L MacPherson, MT Tull, AK Matusiewicz, S Rodman, DR Strong, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 78 (1), 55, 2010
Reasons for intimate partner violence perpetration among arrested women
GL Stuart, TM Moore, JC Hellmuth, SE Ramsey, CW Kahler
Violence against women 12 (7), 609-621, 2006
Distress tolerance and early adolescent externalizing and internalizing symptoms: The moderating role of gender and ethnicity
SB Daughters, EK Reynolds, L MacPherson, CW Kahler, CK Danielson, ...
Behaviour research and therapy 47 (3), 198-205, 2009
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مقالات 1–20