Luke Wedmore
Luke Wedmore
أسماء أخرىLuke NJ Wedmore
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Surface ruptures following the 30 October 2016 Mw 6.5 Norcia earthquake, central Italy
R Civico, S Pucci, F Villani, L Pizzimenti, PM De Martini, R Nappi, ...
Journal of Maps 14 (2), 151-160, 2018
Dual control of fault intersections on stop-start rupture in the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence
RJ Walters, LC Gregory, LNJ Wedmore, TJ Craig, K McCaffrey, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 500, 1-14, 2018
Orogen-scale uplift in the central Italian Apennines drives episodic behaviour of earthquake faults
PA Cowie, RJ Phillips, GP Roberts, K McCaffrey, LJJ Zijerveld, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 44858, 2017
A database of the coseismic effects following the 30 October 2016 Norcia earthquake in Central Italy
F Villani, R Civico, S Pucci, L Pizzimenti, R Nappi, PM De Martini
Scientific data 5 (1), 1-11, 2018
Slip distributions on active normal faults measured from LiDAR and field mapping of geomorphic offsets: an example from L'Aquila, Italy, and implications for modelling seismic …
M Wilkinson, GP Roberts, K McCaffrey, PA Cowie, JPF Walker, ...
Geomorphology 237, 130-141, 2015
A 667 year record of coseismic and interseismic Coulomb stress changes in central Italy reveals the role of fault interaction in controlling irregular earthquake recurrence …
LNJ Wedmore, JP Faure Walker, GP Roberts, PR Sammonds, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (7), 5691-5711, 2017
Near-field fault slip of the 2016 Vettore Mw 6.6 earthquake (Central Italy) measured using low-cost GNSS
MW Wilkinson, KJW McCaffrey, RR Jones, GP Roberts, RE Holdsworth, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 4612, 2017
Surface faulting during the August 24, 2016, Central Italy earthquake (Mw 6.0): preliminary results
FA Livio, AM Michetti, E Vittori, L Gregory, L Wedmore, L Piccardi, E Tondi, ...
Annals of geophysics 59 (5), 2016
Drainage integration and sediment dispersal in active continental rifts: A numerical modelling study of the central Italian Apennines
AH Geurts, PA Cowie, G Duclaux, RL Gawthorpe, RS Huismans, ...
Basin Research, 2018
Geodetic constraints on cratonic microplates and broad strain during rifting of thick Southern African lithosphere
LNJ Wedmore, J Biggs, M Floyd, Å Fagereng, H Mdala, P Chindandali, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (17), e2021GL093785, 2021
How do variably striking faults reactivate during rifting? Insights from southern Malawi
JN Williams, Å Fagereng, LNJ Wedmore, J Biggs, F Mphepo, Z Dulanya, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20 (7), 3588-3607, 2019
Structural inheritance and border fault reactivation during active early-stage rifting along the Thyolo fault, Malawi
LNJ Wedmore, JN Williams, J Biggs, Å Fagereng, F Mphepo, Z Dulanya, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 139, 104097, 2020
Active fault scarps in southern Malawi and their implications for the distribution of strain in incipient continental rifts
LNJ Wedmore, J Biggs, JN Williams, Å Fagereng, Z Dulanya, F Mphepo, ...
Tectonics 39 (3), e2019TC005834, 2020
Active normal faulting during the 1997 seismic sequence in Colfiorito, Umbria: Did slip propagate to the surface?
ZK Mildon, GP Roberts, JPF Walker, LNJ Wedmore, KJW McCaffrey
Journal of Structural Geology 91, 102-113, 2016
The Malawi active fault database: an onshore‐offshore database for regional assessment of seismic hazard and tectonic evolution
JN Williams, LNJ Wedmore, CA Scholz, F Kolawole, LJM Wright, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 23 (5), e2022GC010425, 2022
Evidence from high‐resolution topography for multiple earthquakes on high slip‐to‐length fault scarps: The Bilila‐Mtakataka fault, Malawi
M Hodge, J Biggs, Å Fagereng, H Mdala, LNJ Wedmore, JN Williams
Tectonics 39 (2), e2019TC005933, 2020
Determining histories of slip on normal faults with bedrock scarps using cosmogenic nuclide exposure data
HJ Goodall, LC Gregory, LNJ Wedmore, KJW McCaffrey, RMJ Amey, ...
Tectonics 40 (3), e2020TC006457, 2021
Partitioned off‐fault deformation in the 2016 Norcia earthquake captured by differential terrestrial laser scanning
LNJ Wedmore, LC Gregory, KJW McCaffrey, H Goodall, RJ Walters
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (6), 3199-3205, 2019
A systems-based approach to parameterise seismic hazard in regions with little historical or instrumental seismicity: active fault and seismogenic source databases for southern …
JN Williams, H Mdala, Å Fagereng, LNJ Wedmore, J Biggs, Z Dulanya, ...
Solid Earth 12 (1), 187-217, 2021
The entire crust can be seismogenic: Evidence from southern Malawi
VL Stevens, RA Sloan, PR Chindandali, LNJ Wedmore, GW Salomon, ...
Tectonics 40 (6), e2020TC006654, 2021
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مقالات 1–20