Kendra J. Clark
Kendra J. Clark
Research Associate, Center for Advancing Correctional Excellence (ACE!), George Mason University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Non-random study attrition: Assessing correction techniques and the magnitude of bias in a longitudinal study of reentry from prison
MM Mitchell, C Fahmy, KJ Clark, DC Pyrooz
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 38 (3), 755-790, 2022
Method to the madness: Tracking and interviewing respondents in a longitudinal study of prisoner reentry
C Fahmy, KJ Clark, MM Mitchell, SH Decker, DC Pyrooz
Sociological Methods & Research 51 (3), 1282-1324, 2022
What if they are all high-risk for attrition? Correlates of retention in a longitudinal study of reentry from prison
KJ Clark, MM Mitchell, C Fahmy, DC Pyrooz, SH Decker
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology …, 2020
Gang affiliation and prisoner reentry: Discrete-time variation in recidivism by current, former, and non-gang status
DC Pyrooz, KJ Clark, JJ Tostlebe, SH Decker, E Orrick
Journal of research in crime and delinquency 58 (2), 192-234, 2021
Rethinking Prisonization: a Longitudinal Investigation of Adherence to the Convict Code Across Stages of Incarceration
KJ Clark
School of hard knocks: Gangs, schools, and education in the United States
KJ Clark, DC Pyrooz, R Randa
The Wiley handbook on violence in education: Forms, factors, and preventions …, 2018
Improving Probation Outcomes for Emerging Adults: An Experiment Evaluating a Specialized Caseload in Texas
KJ Clark, J Lerch, F Lopez, FS Taxman
Corrections 9 (5), 618-640, 2024
Cascade of care in the legal system: Best practices and goals for agencies providing care to patients concurrently navigating substance use disorders and criminal legal involvement
KJ Clark, J Vechinski, T Molfenter, FS Taxman
Journal of Drug Issues 55 (1), 64-88, 2025
Cascade of care for substance use and mental health disorders for justice-involved populations
KJ Clark, J Viglione, R Sneed, N Ramezani, FS Taxman, JE Johnson
Journal of substance use and addiction treatment 167, 209488, 2024
Breaking Out of Prison Culture? Or Culture Breaking Out of Prison?: Understanding Convict Code Endorsement during Incarceration and Post-Release
KJ Clark
University of Colorado at Boulder, 2021
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مقالات 1–10