مقالات بحثية تمّ التفويض بإتاحتها للجميع - Nazanin Hoghooghiمزيد من المعلومات
عدد المقالات البحثية غير المتاحة للجميع في أي موقع: 1
Broadband Cavity-Enhanced Dual-Comb Spectroscopy of Multiple Trace Gas Species
N Hoghooghi, RJ Wright, WC Swann, I Coddington, NR Newbury, ...
2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, 2018
التفويضات: US Department of Defense
عدد المقالات البحثية المتاحة للجميع في موقع ما: 18
Baseline-free quantitative absorption spectroscopy based on cepstral analysis
RK Cole, AS Makowiecki, N Hoghooghi, GB Rieker
Optics express 27 (26), 37920-37939, 2019
التفويضات: US Department of Defense, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Broadband dual-frequency comb spectroscopy in a rapid compression machine
AD Draper, RK Cole, AS Makowiecki, J Mohr, A Zdanowicz, A Marchese, ...
Optics express 27 (8), 10814-10825, 2019
التفويضات: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, US National …
Broadband coherent cavity-enhanced dual-comb spectroscopy
N Hoghooghi, RJ Wright, AS Makowiecki, WC Swann, EM Waxman, ...
Optica 6 (1), 28-33, 2019
التفويضات: US Department of Defense
Broadband 1-GHz mid-infrared frequency comb
N Hoghooghi, S Xing, P Chang, D Lesko, A Lind, G Rieker, S Diddams
Light: Science & Applications 11 (1), 264, 2022
التفويضات: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Characterization of a DFG comb showing quadratic scaling of the phase noise with frequency
WK T Puppe, A Sell, R Kliese, N Hoghooghi, A Zach
Optics Letters 41 (8), 1877-1880, 2016
التفويضات: European Commission
Mid-infrared dual frequency comb spectroscopy for combustion analysis from 2.8 to 5 µm
AS Makowiecki, DI Herman, N Hoghooghi, EF Strong, RK Cole, G Ycas, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (1), 1627-1635, 2021
التفويضات: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
11-μs time-resolved, continuous dual-comb spectroscopy with spectrally filtered mode-locked frequency combs
N Hoghooghi, RK Cole, GB Rieker
Applied Physics B 127 (2), 17, 2021
التفويضات: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, US National …
Single-cycle all-fiber frequency comb
S Xing, D Lesko, T Umeki, AJ Lind, N Hoghooghi, TH Wu, SA Diddams
Apl Photonics 6 (8), 2021
التفويضات: US Department of Defense
Fully phase-stabilized 1 GHz turnkey frequency comb at 1.56 µm
D Lesko, A Lind, N Hoghooghi, A Kowligy, H Timmers, P Sekar, B Rudin, ...
OSA Continuum 3 (8), 2070-2077, 2020
التفويضات: US Department of Defense
High-temperature absorption line shape parameters for CO2 in the 6800–7000 cm-1 region from dual frequency comb measurements up to 1000 K
RK Cole, N Hoghooghi, BJ Drouin, GB Rieker
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 276, 107912, 2021
التفويضات: US Department of Defense, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Spatially resolved mass flux measurements with dual-comb spectroscopy
D Yun, RK Cole, NA Malarich, SC Coburn, N Hoghooghi, J Liu, JJ France, ...
Optica 9 (9), 1050-1059, 2022
التفويضات: US Department of Defense
Supersonic combustion diagnostics with dual comb spectroscopy
D Yun, NA Malarich, RK Cole, SC Egbert, JJ France, J Liu, KM Rice, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (1), 1299-1306, 2023
التفويضات: US Department of Defense
Difference-frequency combs in cold atom physics
R Kliese, N Hoghooghi, T Puppe, F Rohde, A Sell, A Zach, P Leisching, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 225, 2775-2784, 2016
التفويضات: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, European Commission
Temperature-dependent CO2 line mixing models using dual frequency comb absorption and phase spectroscopy up to 25 bar and 1000 K
RK Cole, H Tran, N Hoghooghi, GB Rieker
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 297, 108488, 2023
التفويضات: US Department of Defense, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Demonstration of a uniform, high-pressure, high-temperature gas cell with a dual frequency comb absorption spectrometer
RK Cole, AD Draper, PJ Schroeder, CM Casby, AS Makowiecki, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 268, 107640, 2021
التفويضات: US Department of Defense, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Angular velocimetry for fluid flows: an optical sensor using structured light and machine learning
EF Strong, AQ Anderson, MP Brenner, BM Heffernan, N Hoghooghi, ...
Optics Express 29 (7), 9960-9980, 2021
التفويضات: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Pressure scaling of measured absorption cross-sections by modifying the molecular free induction decay signal
AS Makowiecki, RK Cole, N Hoghooghi, GB Rieker
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 254, 107189, 2020
التفويضات: US Department of Defense, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Thermometry and velocimetry in a ramjet using dual comb spectroscopy of the O2 A-band
D Yun, WB Sabin, SC Coburn, N Hoghooghi, JJ France, MA Hagenmaier, ...
Optics Express 31 (25), 42571-42580, 2023
التفويضات: US Department of Defense
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