Hossein Bozorgian
Hossein Bozorgian
Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics in University of Mazandaran
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The relationship between listening and other language skills in international English language testing system
H Bozorgian
Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2 (4), 657-663, 2012
Metacognitive instruction does improve listening comprehension
H Bozorgian
International Scholarly Research Notices 2012 (1), 734085, 2012
The Role of Metacognition in the Development of EFL Learners’ Listening Skill
H Bozorgian
International Journal of Listening 28 (3), 149-161, 2014
Enhancing foreign language learning through listening strategy delivered in L1: an experimental study
H Bozorgian, H Pillay
International Journal of Instruction 6 (1), 2013
Teachers’ and students’ amount and purpose of L1 use: English as foreign language (EFL) classrooms in Iran
H Bozorgian, S Fallahpour
Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research 3 (2), 67-81, 2015
Multimedia listening comprehension: Metacognitive instruction or metacognitive instruction through dialogic interaction
H Bozorgian, E Fakhri
ReCALL 30 (1), 131–152, 2018
Listening skill requires a further look into second/foreign language learning
H Bozorgian
International Scholarly Research Notices 2012 (1), 810129, 2012
School libraries, teacher-librarians and student outcomes: Presenting and using the evidence
H Hughes, H Bozorgian, C Allen
School Libraries Worldwide 20 (1), 29-50, 2014
EFL students’ cognitive performance during argumentative essay writing: A log-file data analysis
F Zarrabi, H Bozorgian
Computers and Composition 55, 102546, 2020
Direct Written Corrective Feedback with Metalinguistic Explanation: Investigating Language Analytic Ability
H Bozorgian, A Yazdani
Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research 9 (1), 65-85, 2021
Less-skilled learners benefit more from metacognitive instruction to develop listening comprehension
H Bozorgian
International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning 4 (1), 3-12, 2015
Metacognitive intervention and awareness: Listeners with low working memory capacity
H Bozorgian, B Yaqubi, M Muhammadpour
International Journal of Listening 36 (3), 221-234, 2022
Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training on Iranian EFL Learners' Use of Suprasegmental Features: A Case Study
H Bozorgian, E Shamsi
CALL-EJ 21 (2), 93-113, 2020
Task repetition on accuracy and fluency: EFL learners’ speaking skill
H Bozorgian, SM Kanani
International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies 6 (2), 42-53, 2017
Teachers’ attitudes towards the use of MALL instruction in Iranian EFL context
H Bozorgian
The International Journal of Humanities 25 (3), 1-18, 2018
A formative evaluation of the stronger smarter learning communities project: 2011 report
A Luke, C Cazden, R Coopes, V Klenowski, J Ladwig, J Lester, ...
Queensland University of Technology, 2011
Gender, metacognitive intervention, and dialogic interaction: EFL multimedia listening
EF Alamdari, H Bozorgian
System 104, 102709, 2022
Teachers’ stated cognition and its relationship with oral corrective feedback practices in EFL classrooms
H Nassaji, H Bozorgian, E Golbabazadeh
System 113, 102993, 2023
Cultural Linguistics and ELT curriculum: The case of ‘Prospect’English textbooks in Iran
M Sahraee Juybari, H Bozorgian
International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2020
Listening for young-adult EFL learners: Metacognitive intervention through L1
H Bozorgian, S Fallahpour, M Alinasab Amiri
International Journal of Listening 36 (3), 207-220, 2022
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مقالات 1–20