Alec Morton
Alec Morton
University of Strathclyde and National University of Singapore
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Portfolio Decision Analysis: Improved Methods for Resource Allocation
A Salo, J Keisler, A Morton
Springer Verlag, 2011
Inequity averse optimization in operational research
Ö Karsu, A Morton
European journal of operational research 245 (2), 343-359, 2015
Extending the use of scenario planning and MCDA for the evaluation of strategic options
C Ram, G Montibeller, A Morton
Journal of the Operational Research Society 62 (5), 817-829, 2010
Multicriteria decision analysis to support health technology assessment agencies: benefits, limitations, and the way forward
R Baltussen, K Marsh, P Thokala, V Diaby, H Castro, I Cleemput, M Garau, ...
Value in Health 22 (11), 1283-1288, 2019
Patrolling games
S Alpern, A Morton, K Papadaki
Operations research 59 (5), 1246-1257, 2011
COVID-19 vaccination in lower-middle income countries: national stakeholder views on challenges, barriers, and potential solutions
ET Tagoe, N Sheikh, A Morton, J Nonvignon, AR Sarker, L Williams, ...
Frontiers in Public Health 9, 709127, 2021
Behavioural decision theory for multi-criteria decision analysis: a guided tour
A Morton, B Fasolo
Journal of the Operational Research Society 60 (2), 268-275, 2008
The economic case for investing in the prevention of mental health conditions in the UK
D McDaid, AL Park, G Davidson, A John, L Knifton, S McDaid, A Morton, ...
Mental Health Foundation, 2022
Antibiotic research and development: business as usual?
S Harbarth, U Theuretzbacher, J Hackett, Drive-AB Consortium, ...
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 70 (6), 1604-1607, 2015
LC Dias, A Morton, J Quigley
Springer International Publishing. MR3700912. doi: https://doi. org/10.1007 …, 2018
PROBE—A multicriteria decision support system for portfolio robustness evaluation
JC Lourenco, A Morton, CAB e Costa
Decision support systems 54 (1), 534-550, 2012
Prevalence and health care–seeking behavior for childhood diarrheal disease in Bangladesh
AR Sarker, M Sultana, RA Mahumud, N Sheikh, R Van Der Meer, ...
Global pediatric health 3, 2333794X16680901, 2016
Policy analysis and policy analytics
KA Daniell, A Morton, D Ríos Insua
Annals of Operations Research 236, 1-13, 2016
Passenger demand forecasting in scheduled transportation
N Banerjee, A Morton, K Akartunalı
European Journal of Operational Research 286 (3), 797-810, 2020
Distribution and determinants of out-of-pocket healthcare expenditures in Bangladesh
RA Mahumud, AR Sarker, M Sultana, Z Islam, J Khan, A Morton
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 50 (2), 91, 2017
Constrained optimization methods in health services research—an introduction: report 1 of the ISPOR optimization methods emerging good practices task force
W Crown, N Buyukkaramikli, P Thokala, A Morton, MY Sir, DA Marshall, ...
Value in health 20 (3), 310-319, 2017
Technology-driven and model-driven approaches to group decision support: focus, research philosophy, and key concepts
A Morton, F Ackermann, V Belton
European Journal of Information Systems 12 (2), 110-126, 2003
Nuclear risk management on stage: a decision analysis perspective on the UK's Committee on Radioactive Waste Management
A Morton, M Airoldi, LD Phillips
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 29 (5), 764-779, 2009
Better environmental regulation—contributions from risk-based decision-making
A Gouldson, A Morton, SJT Pollard
Science of the Total Environment 407 (19), 5283-5288, 2009
Cost-effectiveness thresholds: methods for setting and examples from around the world
AS Santos, AA Guerra-Junior, B Godman, A Morton, CM Ruas
Expert review of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research 18 (3), 277-288, 2018
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مقالات 1–20