Eun Ju Moon
Eun Ju Moon
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Synthesis and characterization of 2D molybdenum carbide (MXene)
J Halim, S Kota, MR Lukatskaya, M Naguib, MQ Zhao, EJ Moon, J Pitock, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (18), 3118-3127, 2016
Control of electronic properties of 2D carbides (MXenes) by manipulating their transition metal layers
B Anasori, C Shi, EJ Moon, Y Xie, CA Voigt, PRC Kent, SJ May, ...
Nanoscale Horizons 1 (3), 227-234, 2016
Experimental and theoretical characterization of ordered MAX phases Mo2TiAlC2 and Mo2Ti2AlC3
B Anasori, M Dahlqvist, J Halim, EJ Moon, J Lu, BC Hosler, EN Caspi, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 118, 094304, 2015
Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Nb1.33C (MXene) with Randomly Distributed Vacancies by Etching of the Quaternary Solid Solution (Nb2/3Sc1/3)2AlC MAX Phase
J Halim, J Palisaitis, J Lu, J Thörnberg, EJ Moon, M Precner, P Eklund, ...
ACS Applied Nano Materials 1 (6), 2455-2460, 2018
Asymmetric orbital-lattice interactions in ultrathin correlated oxide films
J Chakhalian, JM Rondinelli, J Liu, BA Gray, M Kareev, EJ Moon, ...
Physical review letters 107 (11), 116805, 2011
Effect of interfacial octahedral behavior in ultrathin manganite films
EJ Moon, PV Balachandran, BJ Kirby, DJ Keavney, RJ Sichel-Tissot, ...
Nano letters 14 (5), 2509-2514, 2014
Electronic and optical characterization of 2D Ti2C and Nb2C (MXene) thin films
J Halim, I Persson, EJ Moon, P Kühne, V Darakchieva, POÅ Persson, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (16), 165301, 2019
Towards 3D Mapping of BO6 Octahedron Rotations at Perovskite Heterointerfaces, Unit Cell by Unit Cell
Q He, R Ishikawa, AR Lupini, L Qiao, EJ Moon, O Ovchinnikov, SJ May, ...
Acs Nano 9 (8), 8412-8419, 2015
Variable range hopping and thermally activated transport in molybdenum-based MXenes
J Halim, EJ Moon, P Eklund, J Rosen, MW Barsoum, T Ouisse
Physical Review B 98 (10), 104202, 2018
Spatial control of functional properties via octahedral modulations in complex oxide superlattices
EJ Moon, R Colby, Q Wang, E Karapetrova, CM Schlepu¨tz, ...
Solid Solubility and Magnetism upon Mn Incorporation in the Bulk Ternary Carbides Cr2AlC and Cr2GaC
A Mockute, J Lu, EJ Moon, M Yan, B Anasori, SJ May, MW Barsoum, ...
Materials Research Letters 3 (1), 16-22, 2015
Evidence of a magnetic transition in atomically thin Cr 2 TiC 2 T x MXene
K Hantanasirisakul, B Anasori, S Nemsak, JL Hart, J Wu, Y Yang, ...
Nanoscale Horizons 5 (12), 1557-1565, 2020
Fluorination of epitaxial oxides: Synthesis of perovskite oxyfluoride thin films
EJ Moon, Y Xie, ED Laird, DJ Keavney, SJ May
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014
Epitaxial growth of (111)-oriented LaAlO3/LaNiO3 ultra-thin superlattices
S Middey, D Meyers, M Kareev, EJ Moon, BA Gray, X Liu, JW Freeland, ...
Applied Physics Letters 101 (26), 2012
Electronic phase diagram of epitaxial La1− xSrxFeO3 films
YJ Xie, MD Scafetta, EJ Moon, AL Krick, RJ Sichel-Tissot, SJ May
Applied Physics Letters 105 (6), 2014
Control of Functional Responses Via Reversible Oxygen Loss in La1‐xSrxFeO3‐δ Films
Y Xie, MD Scafetta, RJ Sichel‐Tissot, EJ Moon, RC Devlin, H Wu, AL Krick, ...
Advanced Materials 26 (9), 1434-1438, 2014
Polar Oxides without Inversion Symmetry through Vacancy and Chemical Order
J Young*, EJ Moon*, D Mukherjee, G Stone, V Gopalan, N Alem, SJ May, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (7), 2833-2841, 2017
Tailoring manganese oxide with atomic precision to increase surface site availability for oxygen reduction catalysis
CJ Eom, DY Kuo, C Adamo, EJ Moon, SJ May, EJ Crumlin, DG Schlom, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 4034, 2018
Strain-modulated Mott transition in EuNiO ultrathin films
D Meyers, S Middey, M Kareev, M Van Veenendaal, EJ Moon, BA Gray, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (7), 075116, 2013
Strain-controlled band engineering and self-doping in ultrathin LaNiO films
EJ Moon, JM Rondinelli, N Prasai, BA Gray, M Kareev, J Chakhalian, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (12), 121106, 2012
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مقالات 1–20