Guillermo Pereira, Ph.D.
Guillermo Pereira, Ph.D.
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Energy Markets & Policy Group
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Photovoltaic distributed generation–An international review on diffusion, support policies, and electricity sector regulatory adaptation
PP da Silva, G Dantas, GI Pereira, L Câmara, NJ De Castro
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 103, 30-39, 2019
Technology, business model, and market design adaptation toward smart electricity distribution: Insights for policy making
GI Pereira, JM Specht, PP Silva, R Madlener
Energy Policy 121, 426-440, 2018
The challenging paradigm of interrelated energy systems towards a more sustainable future
N Soares, AG Martins, AL Carvalho, C Caldeira, C Du, É Castanheira, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 95, 171-193, 2018
Sustainable energy systems in the making: A study on business model adaptation in incumbent utilities
GI Pereira, E Niesten, J Pinkse
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 174, 2022
Moving beyond opportunity narratives in COVID-19 green recoveries: A comparative analysis of public investment plans in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom
FW Geels, GI Pereira, J Pinkse
Energy Research & Social Science 84, 2022
Energy efficiency governance in the EU-28: analysis of institutional, human, financial, and political dimensions
GI Pereira, PP da Silva
Energy Efficiency 10 (5), 1279-1297, 2017
Policy-adaptation for a smarter and more sustainable EU electricity distribution industry: a foresight analysis
GI Pereira, PP da Silva, D Soule
Environment, Development and Sustainability 20 (1), 231-267, 2018
Electricity distribution incumbents' adaptation toward decarbonized and smarter grids: Evidence on the role market, regulatory, investment, and firm-level factors
GI Pereira, PP da Silva, PA Cerqueira
Energy Policy 142, 111477, 2020
Assessment of electricity distribution business model and market design alternatives: Evidence for policy design
GI Pereira, P Pereira da Silva, D Soule
Energy & Environment 31 (1), 40-59, 2020
Photovoltaic energy diffusion through net-metering and feed-in tariff policies: learning from Germany, California, Japan and Brazil
M Ramalho, L Câmara, GI Pereira, PP da Silva, G Dantas
New Energy Landscape: Impacts for Latin America, 6th ELAEE/IAEE Latin …, 2017
IP@SMART: Energy Management System applied to Eco-Efficient Public Lighting Networks
H Pires, G Carreiro, A, Pereira, R Carreira, J Trovão, J Landeck
2014 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 2014
The Roles of Policy, Technology, and Utility Capabilities
GI Pereira, PP da Silva
Consumer, Prosumer, Prosumager: How Service Innovations will Disrupt the …, 2019
Determinants of change in electricity distribution system operators-a review and survey
GI Pereira, PP da Silva
13th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 2016, 1-5, 2016
The smart grid and distributed generation nexus
G Pereira, PP Silva
Distributed Generation: International experiences and comparative analyses, 2017
Public investments in COVID-19 green recovery packages: A comparative analysis of scale, scope, and implementation in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom
F Geels, GI Pereira, J Pinkse
The Productivity Institute Working Papers, 2021
Policies for an EU smarter grid environment: A Delphi study on DSOs
GI Pereira, PP da Silva, D Soule
14th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 2017, 1-6, 2017
Connecting energy efficiency progress and job creation potential
GIL Pereira
University of Coimbra, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Energy for …, 2014
Transitioning to sustainable energy by incumbent utilities: insights from M&As, alliances, and divestments
E Niesten, G Pereira, J Pinkse
Industrial and Corporate Change 33 (5), 1123-1157, 2024
Evolution of Solar Photovoltaic Support Policies in Brazil and Portugal: a review
L Câmara, GI Pereira, G Dantas, N Castro, PP Silva
3rd Energy for Sustainability International Conference: Designing Cities …, 2017
Quantifying renewable energy and energy efficiency employment impacts in Portugal
N Šahović, G Pereira, P Silva, C Oliveira
1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy …, 2014
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مقالات 1–20