Episodic memory retrieval, parietal cortex, and the default mode network: functional and topographic analyses C Sestieri, M Corbetta, GL Romani, GL Shulman Journal of Neuroscience 31 (12), 4407-4420, 2011 | 588 | 2011 |
The contribution of the human posterior parietal cortex to episodic memory C Sestieri, GL Shulman, M Corbetta Nature reviews neuroscience 18 (3), 183-192, 2017 | 347 | 2017 |
An fMRI investigation on image generation in different sensory modalities: the influence of vividness MO Belardinelli, M Palmiero, C Sestieri, D Nardo, R Di Matteo, A Londei, ... Acta psychologica 132 (2), 190-200, 2009 | 214 | 2009 |
Dynamic reorganization of human resting-state networks during visuospatial attention S Spadone, S Della Penna, C Sestieri, V Betti, A Tosoni, MG Perrucci, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (26), 8112-8117, 2015 | 197 | 2015 |
Attention to memory and the environment: functional specialization and dynamic competition in human posterior parietal cortex C Sestieri, GL Shulman, M Corbetta Journal of Neuroscience 30 (25), 8445-8456, 2010 | 150 | 2010 |
The evolution of the temporoparietal junction and posterior superior temporal sulcus GH Patel, C Sestieri, M Corbetta Cortex 118, 38-50, 2019 | 139 | 2019 |
Domain-general signals in the cingulo-opercular network for visuospatial attention and episodic memory C Sestieri, M Corbetta, S Spadone, GL Romani, GL Shulman Journal of cognitive neuroscience 26 (3), 551-568, 2014 | 113 | 2014 |
Sensory‐motor brain network connectivity for speech comprehension A Londei, A D'Ausilio, D Basso, C Sestieri, CD Gratta, GL Romani, ... Human brain mapping 31 (4), 567-580, 2010 | 109 | 2010 |
Reorganization of functional connectivity of the language network in patients with brain gliomas C Briganti, C Sestieri, PA Mattei, R Esposito, RJ Galzio, A Tartaro, ... American Journal of Neuroradiology 33 (10), 1983-1990, 2012 | 105 | 2012 |
Functional connectivity MR imaging of the language network in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy E Pravata, C Sestieri, D Mantini, C Briganti, G Colicchio, C Marra, ... American Journal of Neuroradiology 32 (3), 532-540, 2011 | 83 | 2011 |
Interference with episodic memory retrieval following transcranial stimulation of the inferior but not the superior parietal lobule C Sestieri, P Capotosto, A Tosoni, GL Romani, M Corbetta Neuropsychologia 51 (5), 900-906, 2013 | 74 | 2013 |
“What” versus “where” in the audiovisual domain: an fMRI study C Sestieri, R Di Matteo, A Ferretti, C Del Gratta, M Caulo, A Tartaro, ... Neuroimage 33 (2), 672-680, 2006 | 72 | 2006 |
Hyperconnectivity of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex following mental effort in multiple sclerosis patients with cognitive fatigue E Pravatà, C Zecca, C Sestieri, M Caulo, GC Riccitelli, MA Rocca, ... Multiple Sclerosis Journal 22 (13), 1665-1675, 2016 | 63 | 2016 |
Dynamic visual noise: No interference with visual short‐term memory or the construction of visual images SE Avons, C Sestieri European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 17 (3), 405-424, 2005 | 60 | 2005 |
Task and regions specific top-down modulation of alpha rhythms in parietal cortex P Capotosto, A Baldassarre, C Sestieri, S Spadone, GL Romani, ... Cerebral cortex 27 (10), 4815-4822, 2017 | 58 | 2017 |
Audio-visual crossmodal interactions in environmental perception: an fMRI investigation M Olivetti Belardinelli, C Sestieri, R Di Matteo, F Delogu, C Del Gratta, ... Cognitive Processing 5, 167-174, 2004 | 55 | 2004 |
Anatomical segregation of visual selection mechanisms in human parietal cortex P Capotosto, A Tosoni, S Spadone, C Sestieri, MG Perrucci, GL Romani, ... Journal of Neuroscience 33 (14), 6225-6229, 2013 | 53 | 2013 |
The connectivity of functional cores reveals different degrees of segregation and integration in the brain at rest F De Pasquale, U Sabatini, S Della Penna, C Sestieri, CF Caravasso, ... Neuroimage 69, 51-61, 2013 | 53 | 2013 |
Brain network for passive word listening as evaluated with ICA and Granger causality A Londei, A D’Ausilio, D Basso, C Sestieri, C Del Gratta, GL Romani, ... Brain Research Bulletin 72 (4-6), 284-292, 2007 | 51 | 2007 |
Mental imagery generation in different modalities activates sensory-motor areas M Palmiero, M Olivetti Belardinelli, D Nardo, C Sestieri, R Di Matteo, ... Cognitive processing 10 (Suppl 2), 268-271, 2009 | 50 | 2009 |