Timothy Riley
Timothy Riley
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Volatility and mutual fund manager skill
BD Jordan, TB Riley
Journal of financial economics 118 (2), 289-298, 2015
Challenging the conventional wisdom on active management: A review of the past 20 years of academic literature on actively managed mutual funds
KJM Cremers, JA Fulkerson, TB Riley
Financial Analysts Journal 75 (4), 8-35, 2019
Portfolio concentration and mutual fund performance
JA Fulkerson, TB Riley
Journal of Empirical Finance 51, 1-16, 2019
Benchmark discrepancies and mutual fund performance evaluation
KJM Cremers, JA Fulkerson, TB Riley
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 57 (2), 543-571, 2022
Liquidity and flows of US mutual funds
P Hanouna, J Novak, T Riley, C Stahel
Division of Economic and Risk Analysis White Paper, US Securities and …, 2015
Return chasing in bond funds
JA Fulkerson, BD Jordan, TB Riley
The Journal of Fixed Income 22 (4), 90, 2013
Mutual fund liquidity costs
JA Fulkerson, TB Riley
Financial Management 46 (2), 359-375, 2017
Maximum drawdown as predictor of mutual fund performance and flows
T Riley, Q Yan
Financial Analysts Journal 78 (4), 59-76, 2022
Predictability in bond ETF returns
JA Fulkerson, SD Jordan, TB Riley
The Journal of Fixed Income 23 (3), 50, 2014
Skill and persistence in mutual fund returns: Evidence from a six-factor model
BD Jordan, TB Riley
Available at SSRN 2717091, 2016
The complex materiality of ESG ratings: Evidence from actively managed ESG funds
M Cremers, TB Riley, R Zambrana
The Complex Materiality of ESG Ratings: Evidence from Actively Managed ESG …, 2023
Active share and the predictability of the performance of separate accounts
KJM Cremers, JA Fulkerson, TB Riley
Financial analysts journal 78 (1), 39-57, 2022
Average funds versus average dollars: Implications for mutual fund research
CP Clifford, BD Jordan, TB Riley
Journal of Empirical Finance 28, 249-260, 2014
Portfolios of actively managed mutual funds
TB Riley
Financial Review 56 (2), 205-230, 2021
Why Have Actively Managed Bond Funds Remained Popular?
J Choi, M Cremers, TB Riley
Why Have Actively Managed Bond Funds Remained Popular?: Choi, Jaewon …, 2021
Can mutual fund stars still pick stocks?: A replication and extension of Kosowski, Timmermann, Wermers, and White (2006)
TB Riley
Critical Finance Review, 2019
Do absolute-return mutual funds have absolute returns?
C Clifford, B Jordan, TB Riley
The Journal of Investing 22 (4), 23-40, 2013
Dissecting the low volatility anomaly
BD Jordan, TB Riley
Midwest Finance Association 2013 Annual Meeting Paper, 2013
The complex materiality of proprietary ESG information: Evidence from actively managed funds
M Cremers, TB Riley, R Zambrana
Timothy Brandon and Zambrana, Rafael, 2024
Do hedge funds bet against beta?
A Malakhov, TB Riley, Q Yan
Workin g paper, 2019
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20