Joseph De Croos
Joseph De Croos
MOLLI Surgical Inc.
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Habitat Association in Two Genetic Groups of the Insect-Pathogenic Fungus Metarhizium anisopliae: Uncovering Cryptic Species?
MJ Bidochka, AM Kamp, TM Lavender, J Dekoning, JNA De Croos
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67 (3), 1335-1342, 2001
Cyclic compressive mechanical stimulation induces sequential catabolic and anabolic gene changes in chondrocytes resulting in increased extracellular matrix accumulation
JNA De Croos, SS Dhaliwal, MD Grynpas, RM Pilliar, RA Kandel
Matrix Biology 25 (6), 323-331, 2006
Solid freeform fabrication and characterization of porous calcium polyphosphate structures for tissue engineering purposes
Y Shanjani, JNA De Croos, RM Pilliar, RA Kandel, E Toyserkani
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 93 (2 …, 2010
Integration of tissue-engineered cartilage with host cartilage: an in vitro model
JS Theodoropoulos, JNA De Croos, SS Park, R Pilliar, RA Kandel
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®, 1-11, 2011
Insect pathogenic fungi: from genes to populations
MJ Bidochka, AM Kamp, JNA De Croos
Fungal pathology, 171-193, 2000
Calcium regulates cyclic compression-induced early changes in chondrocytes during in vitro cartilage tissue formation
I Raizman, JNA De Croos, R Pilliar, RA Kandel
Cell calcium 48 (4), 232-242, 2010
Mechanical stimulation enhances integration in an in vitro model of cartilage repair
JS Theodoropoulos, AJN DeCroos, M Petrera, S Park, RA Kandel
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 24, 2055-2064, 2016
Enhanced Levels of Non-Enzymatic Glycation and Pentosidine Crosslinking in Spontaneous Osteoarthritis Progression
TL Willett, R Kandel, A DeCroos, NC Avery, MD Grynpas
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2012
Effects of low temperature on growth parameters in the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae
JN Amritha De Croos, MJ Bidochka
Canadian Journal of Microbiology 45 (12), 1055-1061, 1999
Supplementation with platelet-rich plasma improves the in vitro formation of tissue-engineered cartilage with enhanced mechanical properties
M Petrera, JNA De Croos, J Iu, M Hurtig, RA Kandel, JS Theodoropoulos
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 29 (10), 1685-1692, 2013
Cold acclimation-induced up-regulation of the ribosomal protein L7 gene in the freeze tolerant wood frog, Rana sylvatica
S Wu, D Croos, JN Amritha, KB Storey
Gene 424 (1-2), 48-55, 2008
Upregulation of the Mitochondrial Phosphate Carrier During Freezing in the Wood Frog Rana sylvatica: Potential Roles of Transporters in Freeze Tolerance
JNA De Croos, JD McNally, F Palmieri, KB Storey
Journal of bioenergetics and biomembranes 36, 229-239, 2004
Membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase is induced following cyclic compression of< i> in vitro</i> grown bovine chondrocytes
JNA De Croos, B Jang, SS Dhaliwal, MD Grynpas, RM Pilliar, RA Kandel
Osteoarthritis and cartilage 15 (11), 1301-1310, 2007
Articular Cartilage Subpopulations Respond Differently to Cyclic Compression In Vitro
I Raizman, JNA De Croos, JP St-Pierre, RM Pilliar, RA Kandel
Tissue Engineering Part A 15 (12), 3789-3798, 2009
Cold-induced proteins in cold-active isolates of the insect-pathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae
JNA De Croos, MJ Bidochka
Mycological research 105 (7), 868-873, 2001
AP-1 DNA binding activity regulates the cartilage tissue remodeling process following cyclic compression in vitro
JF Stoltz, JNA De Croos, RM Pilliar, RA Kandel
Biorheology 45 (3-4), 459-469, 2008
Improved bioengineered cartilage tissue formation following cyclic compression is dependent on upregulation of MT1‐MMP
JNA De Croos, PJ Roughley, RA Kandel
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 28 (7), 921-927, 2010
Inorganic polyphosphate exhibits anabolic effects on articular cartilage
JP St-Pierre, JN De Croos, JS Theodoropoulos, M Petrera, P Sharma, S Li, ...
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 20, S39, 2012
Gene and protein regulation in liver of the freeze tolerant wood frog, Rana sylvatica
JNA De Croos
Carleton University, 2003
Genetic Analysis and Characterisation of Cold Activity in the Entomopathogenic Fungus Metarhizium Anisopliae
JNA De Croos
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مقالات 1–20